More N64 Hidden Gems that Rock!
N64 Hidden Gems
Kinsey is BACK with a stack of Nintendo 64 Hidden Gems for you game collectors!
Building a MAME Arcade
Building and renovating a cheap stand-up arcade cabinet into a death metal black MAME arcade machine for the Game Room! The original cab is a Centipede machine, front end for MAME is Hyperspin and the controller is the X-Arcade Dual Joystick
I have delicate fingers and a tendency to hurt myself, so I am the Beer Bitch.
Star Wars TIE FIGHTER – PC Game Review
Tie Fighter by LucasArts is one of the best Star Wars games ever made, yet largely ignored by most modern gamers. This classic space combat sim lets you play as Emperor Palpatine’s lap dog …and you’ll love every minute of it! Damn those Rebel scum!
Wii Hidden Gems – Part 3
Even more Hidden Gems for Nintendo Wii game collectors!
More Wii Hidden Gems
The Nintendo Wii may have seen its share of crappy shovelware games, but buried beneath all that are some truly fun Hidden Gems for game collectors. If you are looking for some new Wii games, here are some I recommend!
GAME HUNTING at Portland Retro Expo – The Contest
Game Hunting in Portland at the Retro Expo with Metal Jesus, Drunken Master Paul, TheBIGJB and special guest Barnacules! Many games, beers and laughs were had all weekend. Oh yeah, and somebody lost their shoes & socks…and cartridge & pride.
Dodo Master Review iPad (iOS)
Dodo Master is an impressive platforming game for iOS that has beautiful graphics, great animation and old school difficulty. There is a lot to like here for platforming fans and TheBigJB gives us a full review of the game!
PlayStation 3 / PS3 HIDDEN GEMS
Playstation 3 had some great games released for it and in this video I highlight some of the lesser known Hidden Gems for your PS3 game collection.
Games Shown:
Yakuza 4
AquaPazza: AquaPlus Dream Match
Ski Doo: Snowmobile Challenge
Dragon’s Crown
Brutal Legend
The Bureau – XCom Declassified
Valkyria Chronicles
Ridge Racer Unbounded
Candy Corn Shot for Halloween (Drunken Master Paul)
Drunken Master Paul creates the perfect party shot for Halloween. Candy & Booze = a happy drunken monkey!
Continue reading Candy Corn Shot for Halloween (Drunken Master Paul)