Here are the Super Nintendo games I typically play when it’s just for fun. It’s a mix of hidden gems, common games and personal favorites. GAMES SHOWN: The Legend of the Mystical Ninja Donkey Kong Country Zig Zag Cat Isometric racers: Rock n Roll Racing / Biker Mice from Mars / Radical Psycho Machine Racing Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Shooters: UN Squadron / Parodius Da! / Spriggan Powered Shadowrun Super Mario All-Stars
Classic Game Room reviews SUPER NINTENDO / SUPER FAMICOM SCART cables from Retro Gaming Cables. Do you want SCART RGB video from SNES and Super Famicom? Look into these sweet SCART CABLES for Super Nintendo and Super Famicom from!
Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here, and I am back with John Riggs.
John: How’s it going, man?
Metal Jesus: Good. What are we here for today?
John: We have some great Super Famicom games. These are the Japanese Super Nintendo games that you don’t need to know any Japanese for. You can just pick them up and just start playing them.
Metal Jesus: Dude, and we previewed some of these, and there are some games that are pretty awesome here.
Often the Japanese Super Famicom game covers are much different than the North American Super Nintendo covers. In this video I show and compare different covers. It’s East vs West!