JohnRiggs – Super Nintendo may be the greatest game system of all time. Here are 14 SNES games that need more love. Not quite SNES Hidden Gems but kind of best SNES games that aren’t the usual games like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy.
Games Featured: Brain Lord Spanky’s Quest Axelay Lagoon Skyblazer Goof Troop Skuljagger Dragon View Xardion Soul Blazer Hammerlock Wrestling True Lies X-Caliber 2097 E.V.O.
Games in Intro: Paladin’s Quest Young Merlin Street Combat Timecop Plok Robotrek
On today’s episode of Gaming Off The Grid, we sit down and FINALLY do a playthrough of Contra III: The Alien Wars on the Super Nintendo! Do we No Death It? Do we get a 1 Credit Clear?! Tune in to find out and let’s take down some aliens!!
Here are the Super Nintendo games I typically play when it’s just for fun. It’s a mix of hidden gems, common games and personal favorites. GAMES SHOWN: The Legend of the Mystical Ninja Donkey Kong Country Zig Zag Cat Isometric racers: Rock n Roll Racing / Biker Mice from Mars / Radical Psycho Machine Racing Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Shooters: UN Squadron / Parodius Da! / Spriggan Powered Shadowrun Super Mario All-Stars
Episode 242 – Here we discuss (with examples) of things in gaming that really twist our panties in a wad. What are some things that games do that make you angry?
SD2SNES Pro is an overhaul of the seminal Super Nintendo flash cart. Its creator, Ikari, discusses its capabilities and what to expect from the massive power upgrades under its hood.