Tag Archives: Radical Reggie

Chatting with Tubers – Get To Know Radical Reggie!


This is Chatting With Tubers, a brand new playlist in which we talk to some of the biggest and best YouTubers on the Retro Gaming scene! Gaming is a big part of Radical Reggie and Retro Gaming is something close to his heart, he talks to us about the games he loves, gives advice on YouTube and doing YouTube full time, the value of his games collection, some of the biggest and best consoles and games he owns, regrets from his journey, why he went Patreon, the big console release he is looking forward to and so much more! Essex Retro Gamer

Game Hunting in Las Vegas 2021 (Switch/Wii/DS/3DS/PS2/PS3/PS4/PSP)

Made my yearly Trip to Vegas this year to hang with friends and do some game hunting. I almost passed on making the trip this year but I’m glad I made the extra effort to go as I had a great time. We also went back to some retro stores from last year to see if they had any new stock. Radical Reggie

25 More GAME PICKUPS w/ Reggie (PS4/Switch/PS5/Xbox/GBA/PC)

I am back again with my buddy Radical Reggie with another RECENT GAMES PICKUPS video!

Games Shown:
Pink Gorilla Bootleg Buddy
Kaze & the Wild Masks (PS4/Switch)
Golden Force Press Kit? (Switch)
The Mummy Remastered (Switch)
RetroTink 5x
Raiden IV x MIKADO remix (Switch)
Daymare 1998 (PS4)
R-Type Final 2 (PS4/XboxSeriesX)
Sony PocketStation
Blair Witch (PS4)
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends (Switch)
Final Fantasy 8 Remastered (PS4)
Gal Gun Returns (Switch)
Liberated Enhanced Edition (Switch)
Deadrising Frank’s Big Package (PS4)
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Xbox Series X)
Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms (GBA)
Lode Runner Legacy (Switch)
Granblue Fantasy Versus (PS4)
Slaps and Beans: Old School Heroes (PS4)
Black Belt Challenge (GBA)
Three Wonders (PS1)
The Elder Scrolls Anthology (PC)
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (PS4)

WE’RE BACK! (Yes, really!) – Game Pickups: 30 Titles including PS1, PS4, PS5, NES, Switch & MORE!)

It’s about damn time I did a pickups video with my buddy Reggie! Can you believe it’s been over a year?!
Games Shown:
XenoCrisis (Vita)
Demon Tier+ (Vita)
Monstrum (PS4)
Demon’s Souls (PS5)
Midnight Run (PS1)
Returnal (PS5)
Resident Evil 3 (PS4)
Resident Evil 8 Village (PS5)
Rainbow Islands / Bubble Bobble 2 (NES)
Sega Astro City Mini
Super Blood Hockey (Switch)
No Straight Roads (Switch)
Remothered Broken Porcelain (Switch/PS4)
Sisters Royale (PS4)
Kandagawa Jet Girls (PS4)
Abzu (Switch)
Dungeons & Dragons: Mystara Eiyuu Senki (PS3)
Inmost (Switch)
Dolphin Blue (Dreamcast)
Dreams (PS4)
Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World (Switch/PS4)
Hades (Switch)
The Coma: Double Cut (Switch)
Shakedown Hawaii (Wii / WiiU)
La-Mulana 1&2 (PS4)
Vasara Collection (Switch)
Fate/unlimited codes (PS2)
Carpet Shark (NES)
The King of Fighters EX: Neoblood (GBA)
GBAConsolizer (Metal Jesus edition)
F.E.A.R. 3: Collector’s Edition (PS3)

Games that took us FOREVER to Finish! 😳


Is there a game in your collection that took you a long time
to complete?

Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/RadicalReggie
DestinyFomo: https://www.youtube.com/c/DestinyFomo/
TheGebs24: https://www.youtube.com/TheGebs24
Game Sack: https://www.youtube.com/GameSack
Ircha Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ircha
Game Chasers: https://www.youtube.com/user/Captain8Bit
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/user/swlovinist
Lon Seidman: https://www.youtube.com/user/LonSeidman
Sunset Hotline: https://www.youtube.com/SunsetHotline