Tag Archives: Q&A

Favorite LICENSED GAMES: TV, Books & Movie HIDDEN GEMS – Metal Jesus Crew ANSWERS

Generally games based on movies, TV, etc. are poorly received, though some are hidden gems. What are your favorite games based on licensed properties and why?

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (SFC)
NBA Hang Time (N64)
The Terminator (SCD)
MegaForce (Atari2600)
LOTR: War in the North (PS3)
LOTR: Conquest (X360)
Willow (Arcade)
King Kong 2 (Famicom)
South Park: Let’s Go Tower Defense Play! (X360)
Wendy Every Witch Way (GBC)
Choukousoku GranDoll (PS1)
Ghostbusters (Wii)
Alice Madness Returns (X360)
James Bond 007: Blood Stone (X360)
Star Wars: Republic Commando (Xbox)

Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee
Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic
Wood: https://www.youtube.com/beatemups

IMPORT GAMES We Want?! – Metal Jesus Crew Answers!

What import games do we want that never were released in the US? The Metal Jesus crew answers!

Twitter: http://twitter.com/MetalJesusRocks
Facebook: http://facebook.com/MetalJesusRocks

Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic
Crazy Joe: https://www.youtube.com/arsenonecpc
DMP: https://www.youtube.com/drunkenmasterpaul

Game Collections as KIDS? – No Money & Great Memories!

Metal Jesus crew tells us what their game collections looked like as kids!

Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
DMP: https://www.youtube.com/drunkenmasterpaul
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee
Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic

Favorite ODDBALL GAME CONSOLES?! – Metal Jesus Crew ANSWERS!

What is your favorite weird or oddball game system? The MJR crew answers!

Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic
Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
DMP: https://www.youtube.com/drunkenmasterpaul
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee

Top 3 Rare Games – ANSWERS from Metal Jesus Guests!

Kelsey, Reggie, Kinsey, John Hancock, Anna, Crazy Joe, John Riggs and Metal Jesus tell you their Top 3 games in their collections!


Kelsey Lewin

Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin

Radical Reggie

Radical Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770

Kinsey KinsZilla

Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke

The Immortal John Hancock

The Immortal John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist

Anna Circuits & Coffee

Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee

Crazy Joe

Crazy Joe: https://www.youtube.com/arsenonecpc

John Blue Riggs

John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic