Tag Archives: Q&A

IMPORT GAMES We Want?! – Metal Jesus Crew Answers!

What import games do we want that never were released in the US? The Metal Jesus crew answers!

Twitter: http://twitter.com/MetalJesusRocks
Facebook: http://facebook.com/MetalJesusRocks

Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic
Crazy Joe: https://www.youtube.com/arsenonecpc
DMP: https://www.youtube.com/drunkenmasterpaul

Game Collections as KIDS? – No Money & Great Memories!

Metal Jesus crew tells us what their game collections looked like as kids!

Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
DMP: https://www.youtube.com/drunkenmasterpaul
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee
Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic

Favorite ODDBALL GAME CONSOLES?! – Metal Jesus Crew ANSWERS!

What is your favorite weird or oddball game system? The MJR crew answers!

Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin
Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic
Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke
John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist
DMP: https://www.youtube.com/drunkenmasterpaul
Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee

Top 3 Rare Games – ANSWERS from Metal Jesus Guests!

Kelsey, Reggie, Kinsey, John Hancock, Anna, Crazy Joe, John Riggs and Metal Jesus tell you their Top 3 games in their collections!


Kelsey Lewin

Kelsey: https://www.youtube.com/kelseylewin

Radical Reggie

Radical Reggie: https://www.youtube.com/icon770

Kinsey KinsZilla

Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/kinseyburke

The Immortal John Hancock

The Immortal John Hancock: https://www.youtube.com/swlovinist

Anna Circuits & Coffee

Anna: https://www.youtube.com/circuitsandcoffee

Crazy Joe

Crazy Joe: https://www.youtube.com/arsenonecpc

John Blue Riggs

John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/riggstalgic