Tag Archives: PS3

The Rise and Fall of SOCOM (PS2/PSP/PS3)

In the early days of the PlayStation 2, Zipper Interactive would debut a third-person shooter called SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs. Authentic, tactical, team-based, and online at a time where few other PlayStation titles were, SOCOM took the home console by storm. It gave Sony’s exclusives a more mature face, provided multiplayer-centric shooters a new standard to compete against, and helped single-handedly move the PlayStation 2’s network adapter and headset into gamers’ homes. The debut of SOCOM 2 the following year created an immediate classic, and confirmed SOCOM as a franchise that would be with PlayStation for years to come – even as unsavoury hackers attempted to ruin players’ enjoyment.

Yet try as SOCOM would, lightning never seemed to strike thrice in the eyes of the series faithful. SOCOM 3, Combined Assault, Confrontation, and many more would all proceed to be good, if not great games in their own right – but whether helmed by Zipper or Slant Six, SOCOM never found its third pillar on which it could rest. And just as it seemed as if the series finally might, SOCOM 4 would both trip over its design, and fall into a hole burrowed out of the PlayStation Network Outage of 2011.
SOCOM was shattered, Zipper was shuttered, and one by one, the entire series would go offline – though the hardcore would continue to find ways to keep the series’ flame alive.

This is the rise and fall of SOCOM.

PS3 Buying Guide & Favorite Games

Looking to buy a Sony Playstation 3 (PS3)? This is the Buying Guide for you! We cover the three different PS3 models, accessories and we list some of our favorite games to get you started! Oh yeah…and we even talk about the PS3 Move controller… 😉

BEHIND THE SCENES: For this video it was important to cover all three models of PS3 and thankfully Kelsey and PinkGorillaGames had two of them that they let us borrow. Those backwards compatible ones easily go for $140+ now. Plus we had a ton of fun just picking out the games we would recommend! Although…when Kelsey showed up with some HD Remasters… I don’t think she fully understood just how many of them I had! So we had some fun with that…

Also…Kelsey was stoked to have purchased a Playstation shirt just the week before and we made sure to get that in the thumbnail. Enjoy!

PS3 HD Remakes & Collections

The Sony PS3 was home to great High Definition Remasters based on classic PS2 franchises. Here are some of my favorites from the game collection along with what is new and special about each.

Games Shown:
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster
God of War Collection (GW1 & 2)
God of War: Origins Collection (Chains of Olympus & Sparta)
Jak & Daxter Collection
The Sly Collection
Silent Hill HD Collection
Zone of The Enders HD Collection

Buy these PS3 Games here!

What game or series never got the HD treatment that you wish would get remastered?

Top 10 PS3 Games – All Time

Kinsey & Metal Jesus bring you Top 10 PS3 Games – All Time!

Buy these PS3 Games here!

Video Transcription:

Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here, and I am back with Kinsey.
Kinsey: Hello!
Metal Jesus: And today, we’re going to do our top 10 PlayStation 3 games of all time.
Kinsey: Yeah!
Metal Jesus: All right, so coming in at number 10 is a game called Valkyria Chronicles. Have you played this?
Kinsey: Not much of it, just a little bit, but . . .

Metal Jesus: It’s an amazing game. Basically, it is a third person strategy game. It happens in mostly real-time, although you have action points. And you have certain amount of movements and attacks that you can do. Amazing graphics, has a killer story. And it’s dark. People die in this game. And I was like, whoa! So this is actually a really fun game. I haven’t finished it, but I’ve played it enough to where I’m like “This is a total quality title.” So this is coming in at number 10 for me.

Kinsey: That sounds rad to me. You’ve already sold me.
Continue reading Top 10 PS3 Games – All Time