Tag Archives: ps2

Recent GAME PICKUPS in the NEW HOUSE **30+ Games w/Reggie**

You guys said you like the long pickups video w/ Reggie. This one has over 30 games including a holy grail item and is an hour long!


B Team: Metal Cartoon Squad (DS)
XenoCrisis (Genesis/MegaDrive)
Life is Strange 2 (PS4)
Earthworm Jim 1+2 (25th Anniversary Edition)
Halloween Forever (PS4)
Not for Resale (Blu-Ray)
Beverly Hills Cop (PS2)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (XBOX One)
Riddled Corpses EX (Vita / PS4)
Control (XBONE)
Remothered (Switch / PS4)
Close to the Sun : Collector’s Box Set (PS4)
Ketsui Deathtiny Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (PS4)
Ghost Blade HD (Switch)
No Man’s Sky: Beyond (PSVR)
Raging Justice (PS4)
BurgerTime Party (Switch)
R-Type Dimensions EX (PS4)
Hat in Time (Switch)
The Gardens Between BIG BOX (Switch)
River City Girls (Switch / PS4)
Planescape: Torment & Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition Collector’s Pack
Sparklite (Switch / PS4)
Activision Order of the H.E.R.O. (tshirt)
H.E.R.O. (C64 cassette)
Caladrius Blaze (Switch)
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX (Switch / PS4)

PS2 Games we DIDN’T GET in USA: 8 Good & ONE that SUCKS!

Games shown:
Forbidden Siren 2
Gregory Horror Show
Gigawing Generations
Deep Water
7 Blades
Assault Suits Valken
Michigan Report from Hell
XII Stag
7 Sins

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The Rise and Fall of Prince of Persia

In 1989, young college graduate Jordan Mechner introduced a 2D platformer called Prince of Persia to the world. Platformers were all the rage during the 80s, yet Mechner’s set itself apart from its contemporaries with its weighty, swashbuckling action, and incredibly smooth animations – a feat that Mechner had achieved by rotoscoping his family and friends into sprites.
After a decade of enhanced ports and a strong sequel, the series would fall into an abyss following a misstep into the third dimension. Yet just when all seemed lost, Ubisoft’s young, Montreal-based studio would step in and transform the series into a modern classic, implementing a gameplay mechanic now as iconic as the franchise itself in the process.
Prince of Persia’s new heroes would continue to nurture it for many years after – until finally, after bringing it to the silver screen, the decision was made to put it on hold. The series’ spark had seemingly vanished – but the mark it had left on the industry and gamers worldwide would still remain.
This is the rise and fall of Prince of Persia.