Tag Archives: Norway

Metal Jesus in NORWAY – Game Hunting in Oslo & Kristiansand (Part 1)

Part 1 of our epic trip to Norway. We hunt for metal music, eat tasty Norwegian food, take in beautiful scenery and visit a retro gaming store! — WATCH >> https://youtu.be/MpkHLXN6ze4

Norway, land of fjords, skiing, and… black metal. Yep, the same country known for producing Nobel Peace Prize winners and picture-perfect nature scenes also gave birth to a music genre that sounds like a Viking raid set to guitar riffs. You have to admire the contrast: one moment Norwegians are peacefully cross-country skiing through tranquil forests, and the next, they’re donning corpse paint and summoning the forces of darkness through a double bass drum beat. It’s as if someone looked at all that beautiful, calm Norwegian scenery and said, “You know what this needs? Screaming.”

Norway’s contribution to black metal is legendary—so much so that the music feels like an extension of the country’s winter: long, dark, and cold. The genre’s pioneers went beyond music, dabbling in church burning and spiky leather accessories, turning a typical Wednesday into a metal apocalypse. And while the rest of the world may associate Norway with reindeer and serenity, the black metal scene has given it a reputation for being a place where a peaceful hike can just as easily end with a DIY music video in a snow-covered graveyard.