While this family-friendly action-comedy suffers from a simplistic story and leans too heavily on tired visual cliches, Sonic the Hedgehog is nevertheless boosted by solid performances from Ben Schwartz and Jim Carrey as Sonic and Dr. Robotnik, respectively.
Tag Archives: Movies
Birds of Prey Movie Review
Birds of Prey is a madcap joyride that puts Harley in the driver’s seat, but sometimes leaves her cohorts in the dust. Check out our Birds of Prey review!
Massive Blu Ray DVD Collection and Movie Room Tour
Possibly the biggest and best movie collection you’ll see today. VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, Laserdisc, collector’s edition and so much more!
How Movie Trailers Are Created | Vanity Fair
Movie marketing expert and creative director Jessica Fox takes us through the steps of creating a successful movie trailer. From the collaborative process that takes place between filmmakers, studios and creative agencies to audience testing, she breaks down how each play a role in deciding how much is shown, what stories are told, and why trailers tease missing scenes from the film’s final cut.
Kentucky Fried Movie: High Adventure
Kentucky Fried Movie Boom Mic Operator
How ‘1917’ Was Filmed To Look Like One Shot | Movies Insider
Golden Globe-winning “1917” is a serious Oscar contender. It stars George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Colin Firth, and Benedict Cumberbatch and was filmed to look like one continuous shot. Cinematographer Roger Deakins explains how he and director Sam Mendes did it, from digging up a mile of trenches to attaching cameras to cranes and drones.
Every Stormtrooper in Star Wars Explained By Lucasfilm | WIRED
Lucasfilms’ Doug Chiang and Madlyn Burkert delve into the backstories of each and every type of stormtrooper from the Star Wars franchise. Madlyn and Doug explain not only each stormtroopers’ origin, but what went into the production of all of their costumes. From the inspiration behind the clone troopers helmets to Captain Phasma’s chrome armor, learn everything there is to know about Star Wars’ iconic foot soldiers.
The Day A Nightmare on Elm Street Died
Re-Constructing E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: 37 Years Later
Legacy Effects proudly brings you this exclusive look behind the scenes for the “Re-Making” of Steven Spielberg’s iconic 1982 alien “E.T.” together with Xfinity, Goodby Silverstien & Partners, and director Lance Acord for his touching update, on the Spielberg classic, that brings one of the screen’s most beloved character back home!
My Tron Game & Movie Collection!
Check out my Tron collection! Plus, I share some thoughts and vintage reviews on the film. Tron wasn’t the first film to employ CGI, but it was the first to use extensive computer animation, and it still looks dazzling. Jeff Bridges stars as arcade operator Flynn, who hacks into a mainframe computer to prove that his game designs were stolen. He gets beamed inside the digital world of the Master Control Program, where he engages in gladiator-style battles featuring throwable discs and speedy light cycles. Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, and Cindy Morgan also star in the film.