Tag Archives: John Riggs

I Found Some UNIQUE Mario Quiz Cards at Renton City Retro 2021

We had a great time at Renton City Retro in Renton, WA. It’s probably the only retro game show in the entire northwest in 2021. Several from all over from Seattle to Portland and beyond came by to scoop up great deals and visit friends we haven’t seen for the past year and a half. I found a few cool things I show in this video.

Classic PC GAMES we want REMASTERED for PS5/XBOX

Derek asks: What Big Box PC games would you like to see remastered for the PS5 or the new Xbox?

To help me answer this, I’ve assembled the following creators:
Modern Vintage Gamer: https://www.youtube.com/ModernVintageGamer
Stop Skeletons: https://www.youtube.com/StopSkeletonsFromFighting
Spawn Wave Media: https://www.youtube.com/SpawnWave
John Riggs: https://www.youtube.com/JohnRiggs
DestinyFomo: https://www.instagram.com/destinyfomo/
Sunset Hotline: https://www.youtube.com/SunsetHotline
Kinsey: https://www.youtube.com/KinseyBurke
Gaming Off the Grid: https://www.youtube.com/GamingOffTheGrid
Metal Jesus Patreon: http://www.Patreon.com/MetalJesusRocks

18 Overlooked Nintendo Switch games Nobody is Talking About

TONS of recently released NIntendo Switch games, here’s a look at some random ones I’ve checked out recently.

Games Featured: Angry Video Game Nerd 1& 2 deluxe Wallachia: Reign of Dracula Shoot 1up DX Disc Room Crab Fight Bite the Bullet Jenny LeClue Detectivu Takeshi & Hiroshi Prinny 1 & 2 Dream Dodo Peak Space Robinson Gonner 2 Friends of Ringo Ishikawa Lost Wing F-117A Stealth Fighter