In this video Rick Beato opens up about his struggle with Tinnitus.
I’ve personally suffered from tinnitus for about 15 years now. It’s sucks and like you said the severity comes and goes. Hopefully one day we’ll get a real solution to the problem 🤞
The Apple Watch is full of detail, tracking your every move. I was curious how I was doing specifically with exercise and you can see those trends here. Last year it was tough to work out in the October/November/December months because it’s so cold and rainy here…but now that I have the elliptical, I can stay on it even when the weather doesn’t cooperate. Isn’t technology great? 😂
I’m still working out everyday as you can see by the 7-Workout Week award from the Apple Watch. Although I typically do 30-40 minutes a day, depending on weather… Still not a lot of movement on the body weight front, but like I said, I think I’m adding muscle mass…so that’s the tradeoff.
Not much new to report here, just trying to take advantage of the last days of summer and get some longer bike rides in. You see that listed in the Apple Fitness app above where there was a 7.44 mile and a 7.47 mile cycle trips. Basically down to the water front and back home. Hope to get a few more in this week!
This week I hit the bike hard, working out and setting a record this week. Pretty great weather and I’m making sure and getting out there while I can. Seattle typically has a pretty mild fall season, so I have probably another month of good biking weather, and I wanna get out there as much as possible. Still mixing it up with the elliptical, which I’m very glad I bought. It’s great for those days when either I don’t wanna be outside in the elements or frankly just for convenience working out at home. That said, I’m still not entirely sure I wanna jump back into a gym yet. All of Washington State is back to a indoor mask mandate, which really sucks…and honestly, working out with a mask over my face is not what I want to do if I can help it. We’ll see…
I lost a few more pounds this week! A nice surprise considering I was unable to workout during my Retro Road Trip up north (Monday and Tuesday on the fitness tracker below). Those days were mostly me in the car and then shooting video at retro gaming stores. Believe it or not, I shot over 500 pieces of footage on my iPhone and GoPro for that video! Insane. I tried eating healthier in towns I was unfamiliar with (thanks Yelp!) and that seems to have paid off. No fast food for me 🙂
I hit it pretty hard this week and earned TWO Perfect Week awards: one for Moving and the other for Exercise. I didn’t miss a day, which was pretty tough 😂
I’ll update my weight next week as I’m planning on hitting it hard this week as well. Wish me luck!
I wanted to share some exercise stats with you. As you can see from the Apple Fitness app that for the past year I’ve pretty consistently worked out for 41 or 42 minutes a day on average. I’ve closed the Exercise rings on the Watch 68% of the time in the last year, and done way better than that for the last 3 months at 84%. So things are definitely heading in the right direction.
Again I’m kinda reminded just how mind blowing this type of health tracking is. When I bought the Apple Watch last year, I thought I would mostly use it for Notifications and Weather updates and Siri dictation…but really it’s the constant monitoring of your health that is the big selling point of the device. It feels incredibly futuristic and sci-fi! 😂
As you can see by my watch, that I did really well this month. Got that June Challenge Award yesterday for closing all of my rings 26 days this month (Motion, Exercise and Standing goals)! Also I’m exercising an average of 44 min/day. You can also see that I typically stand at least 10 minutes per hour… That means I try not to just sit at the computer all day long, but get up and stretch and move around. So pretty good, right?