Tag Archives: Buying Guide

Original XBOX BUYING GUIDE & Top Games

Metal Jesus and Kinsey take beginning XBOX collectors through the console hardware variants, controllers and recommend some kick-ass games to get your collection started!

What other Original XBOX games would you recommend to the 1st time XBOX collector to play?

More info about XBOX DVD drives: http://www.racketboy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=869216#p869216

Games Shown:
Jetset Radio Future
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Halo 1 & 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Outrun 2
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Time Splitters: Future Perfect
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2
Stubbs the Zombie

BUY the Original XBOX & Games Here!

Video Transcription:

Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here, and I am back with Kinsey.

Kinsey: Hello, and today we are going to be talking about a buyer’s guide for the original Xbox. So that’s accessories, hardware and some of our favorite games.

Metal Jesus: Let’s take a look. All right so let’s start with the hardware and again this is meant to be sort of a buying guide, in case you’re out at a garage sale, or a pawn shop and you just kind of want to know what to get into if you’ve never actually owned an original Xbox.

Kinsey: And this guy, is the original Xbox.

Metal Jesus: Yes.

Kinsey: It’s one of the first consoles that has an internal hard drive.

Metal Jesus: I believe it was a 10 GB drive, but you had like 8 GBs available to you, but actually it’s funny you just reminded me, is that I was watching a podcast where they were talking, it was the original creators of the Xbox, and one of the really interesting things is that it’s because they put a hard drive in here that games like Halo were even possible.

Kinsey: That’s crazy, yeah.
Continue reading Original XBOX BUYING GUIDE & Top Games

Atari 2600 Buying Guide & Best Games

A collecting guide for the new Atari 2600 owner! Learn about the hardware variations, how to connect to your TV, controller types and also some rockin’ game recommendations for day 1.

Games Shown:
Pitfall II
River Raid
Pac-Man Jr
Space Rocks

Continue reading Atari 2600 Buying Guide & Best Games

Nintendo NES Buying Guide & Best Games

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Buying Guide and game recommendations for new console collectors!

Games shown:
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Super Dodge Ball
Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
Mike Tyson’s Punch Out
TMNT II: The Arcade Game
Final Fantasy
Bubble Bobble

Video Transcript:
Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here, and I’m back again with John Riggs.

John Riggs: How you feeling?

Metal: Dude, how’s it going, man?

John: Thanks for having me back. Appreciate it.

Metal: You are here for a very special episode I’ve been wanting to do for a while.

John: Special episode?

Metal: Special episode!

John: Wow. Oh my goodness.

Metal: This is going to be a buyer’s guide for the original Nintendo.

John: Oh, the old NES. It’s my favorite system of all time.

Metal: Yeah, and the reason why I want do this is because this is for people who are just starting out to collect and get into the NES. What do you look out for as far as the hardware goes, as far as the controllers, everything.

John: What are you looking for, what kind of games are you looking for? If you start out with zero games, we’re going to show you ten solid titles, not necessarily my favorite games of all time, just 10 great games that will get you going in the right direction.

Metal: This is going to be an awesome episode. Let’s take a look!

Metal: So I’m going to start off with, this is the NES that I had as a kid.
Continue reading Nintendo NES Buying Guide & Best Games

PS2 Buying Guide & Great Games

Are you thinking of getting into PS2 collecting? This video explains the different models of Playstation 2, what to look for that tends to fail, some different controllers and 10 games we highly recommend to get you started!

What are the 10 PS2 Games a new collector should buy Day 1?

Video Transcription:

Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here and I am back again with Kinsey.

Kinsey: Hello, great to back everybody. Today we’re going to be talking about an intro buyer’s guide to the PlayStation 2.

Metal Jesus: This is going to be a great video if you are just getting into collecting for the Playstation 2. Let’s say you’re at a retro gaming store or maybe at a garage sale and you’re wondering, like, what do you get? What do you need to know about the PS2 in order to start collecting for it. So we’re going to cover the different models, we’re going to cover the accessories, and we’re going to cover our top 10 games that you should just get day one.
Continue reading PS2 Buying Guide & Great Games