** NEW FOR 2025! ** GAME PICKUPS: 38 Games (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, N64, SNES) – Game Pickups with Reggie and Metal Jesus rocks! We show you 38 games & collectables we added to the collection, plus some surprises! WATCH >> https://youtu.be/tu-qYTk0eSc
Shadows of the Damned (PS5)
Alone in the Dark
Captain Toonhead vs the Punks from Outer Space (PSVR2)
Bramble (PS4)
Feather (PS4)
Steel Assault (Switch)
Grand Mountain Adventure Wonderlands (Switch)
White Day 2 (PS5)
Rolling Gunner + Over Power (PS4)
Super Zangyura (PS4 / Switch)
Demon Stone (PS2)
Drommelfall (PC)
Grandia (Saturn)
Grandia HD Collection (PS4)
Broforce (Switch)
Viewpoint 2064 (N64)
Ogre (C64) YouTube: ZoltanTheHun
Sin & Punishment (English) (N64)
Wargroove 1 + 2 (Switch)
Logic Bomb (SNES)
Rocket Knight Adventures ReSparked! (Switch)
Trip World DX (PS4 / Switch)
Sonic & Shadow Generations (Switch)
PlayStation Mantis controller
Silent Hill 2 Remake (PS5)
Melfand Stories (SNES)
Future Unfolding (PS4)
Assault Suits Valken: Deluxe Edition (SNES)
Grime (PS5)
I, AI (PS5)
Elevator Agent (Atari 2600)
Haunted Halloween (NES)
Painkiller Hell & Damnation Uncut (PS3)
Densei (SNES)
Monster Jam Showdown (PS5, Xbox, Switch)
Hyperiria (SNES)
System Shock LE (PC)
Norway gift
** DISCLAIMER: Some of the items shown were sent to us for review however all of the opinions are our own **