The Metal Militia Podcast is an exclusive bonus download for Patreon contributors to my YouTube channel where I get to talk freely about the music that I love and that I am currently listening to. I’ve also played some of my original music in the podcast too! Please consider joining Patreon to help support my videos and get these cool benefits for you!
Metal Militia Podcast Episode 1:
For this first episode I thought a lot about what songs I wanted to include because it was important to have a wide range of styles to start with. I wanted to set the tone early that this podcast wouldn’t just be the hardcore metal…but we would go all over through the music spectrum and history. Sure, I stuck to rock and metal this time… but next time may be a slightly different story. Who knows?! As long as the music is GOOD! I also want to apologize for the fluctuation in audio levels. As many of you know, older 80s and early 90s songs aren’t yet remixed for modern MP3 levels and I tried to manually adjust for that myself. I had a lot of fun recording this and I’m interesting to know what you all thought about the podcast!
Episode 2:
I am back with a new podcast exclusive to Patreon People in the House, say HO! For this episode I hand picked 10 songs I think are pretty cool as well as include a tribute to Prince and I talk about what I picked up for Record Store Day. BTW: There is some swearing in this episode so put some headphones on if you have co-workers or small children.
Episode 3:
Here is episode 3 of the Metal Militia podcast with some Patreon contributor suggestions! Really cool stuff this month playing rock, metal…and rock-a-billy!? All good stuff, so check it out.
Episode 4:
Episode 4 of the Metal Militia podcast exclusive to Patreon and just in time for the July 3-day holiday weekend. I cover a bunch of music including:
Butcher Babies
Monster Magnet
Posted Oval – Secret Mating Ritual of Peanut Butter <— my song
City of Homes
Flight of the Concords
Episode 8:
Episode 8: Seattle Music in the 90s
In this podcast episode I dig up some albums from my time working at a small record store in the early 1990s in Seattle. All of these songs are from Seattle musicians… many who never quite had true success but none the less made some killer music that I think you’ll enjoy!
Green Apple Quick Step
Skin Picnic
Pearl Jam
My Sister’s Machine
Alice in Chains