Best way to Display & Organize your Game Collection?

Donte Paris asks…
What is the best way to display my collection but at the
same time making it easy to grab and play??

And what are your thoughts on having a collectors copy
and a playing copy?

Metal Jesus & Radical Reggie tell you how they organize and play games in their massive collections… Plus how do they handle sealed games?

Radical Reggie’s channel:

Top 21 Hard & Heavy of 2015 by NoLifeTilMetal

This is a great list of the best new metal music you should be listening to from 2015. I can personally recommend Night Demon, Stryper and others \m/

1. Stryper – Fallen
2. Worldview – The Chosen Few
3. Black Trip – Shadowline
4. Raven – ExtermiNation
5. Saxon – Battering Ram
6. Black Star Riders – The Killer Instinct
7. Powermad – Infinite
8. W.A.S.P. – Golgotha
9. Motörhead – Bad Magic
10. Veil of Deception – Tearing Up the Roots
11. Night Demon – Curse of the Damned
12. Impellitteri – Venom
13. Mortification – Realm of the Skelataur
14. Annihilator – Suicide Society
15. Armored Saint – Win Hands Down
16. Denner/Shermann – Satan’s Tomb (EP)
17. Ruthless – They Rise
18. Pentagram – Curious Volume
19. Stars that Move – s/t
20. U.D.O. – Decadence

Recent GAME PICKUPS w Reggie – EPIC 26 Games added!

Metal Jesus sits down with Radical Reggie to show 26 games they have recently picked up for their collections. Nintendo DS, NeoGeo Pocket Color, PS1, PS2, PS3, Vita, PSP, classic PC and much more are shown in the video. Also hear the story how Metal Jesus accidentally got one of his more rare and valuable games in his collection!

Games Shown:
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters – PS1
Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road – DS
Deadly Premonition – PS3
World Reborn – GBA
Rodea: The Sky Soldier – Wii/WiiU
Mazes of Fate – GBA
Tales of Zestiria – PS4
Zoda’s Revenge Star Tropics II – NES
Ys: Memories of Celceta – Vita
Continue reading Recent GAME PICKUPS w Reggie – EPIC 26 Games added!

Sony PSP BUYING GUIDE & Great Games

Metal Jesus & Reggie tell you all about one of their favorite gaming handhelds: the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP). This was a very success handheld with over 80 million units sold, 5 different models, lots of color variants and over 800 games released for it! Do you want to know where to start when collecting for the PSP? This is the video for you!

BUY PSP handhelds & games here: (Affiliate Link)

Games Shown:
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice
SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 1,2,3 & Tactical Strike
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Jeanne D’Arc
Hexyz Force
Gradius Collection
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
…lots and lots of Racing games!

I’ve been looking forward to doing this Buying Guide for a while now… The PSP really is a great handheld. Hope you guys like it!

Video Transcription:

Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here and I’m back again with Reggie.

Radical Reggie: Glad to be back, bro. Now today guys what we’re going to do, of course, a buying guide on the PSP system which is our favorite system, or one of our favorite systems.

Metal Jesus: I love the PSP

Continue reading Sony PSP BUYING GUIDE & Great Games

Retro Gaming with a Heavy Metal Soundtrack