Luigi – Did You Know Gaming? Feat. Furst

In this episode we take a look at some facts, secrets, and history of Luigi. Luigi is was by Nintendo veteran Shigeru Miyamoto, and is portrayed as the fraternal twin brother of Mario. Luigi first appeared in the 1983 game Mario Bros, and reprised his role in Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario World onward. The first game where he was available as a primary character was Super Mario Bros 2. Originally developed as a palette swap of Mario with a green color scheme instead of red, Luigi has since developed a personality and style of his own.


Metal Jesus & Kelsey share their TIPS & TRICKS for haggling at retro game stores, expos, garage sales & craigslist. Their years of game collecting AND store ownership offer a unique perspective on getting the best deal AND being respectful to the other party.

Garage sales are typically the easiest
Be nice & respectful
Know what is popular & what isn’t
Retail store prices have business expenses added
Slow selling games are sometimes easier to haggle with
Buy in bulk if possible
Politely point out cosmetic flaws
Engage seller in conversation
Flaws may already be factored into the price
Trading games sometimes is more valuable than cash!

Recent Game Pickups w/ Metal Jesus & Reggie – Over 40 MINUTES!

Metal Jesus & Reggie give you a SUPER SIZED Game Pickups video with over 30 games and 40 minutes long! We cover PS4, Vita, PSP, SNES, big box PC, and much more!

Buy these games HERE:

Games Shown:
Saturday Morning RPG (PS4 / Vita)
Project Horned Owl (PS1)
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (PS4)
Guilty Gear X (Dreamcast)
Song of the Deep (PS4)
Bangai-O (Dreamcast)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Persona 4 (PS2)
Shatterhand (NES)
Among the Sleep (PS4)
Gal Gun: Double Peace (Vita)
Caladrius Blaze (PS4)
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman (PSP)
Aleste II (Game Gear)
ColecoVision Flashback
Resident Evil Umbrella Corps (PS4)
Shadow Complex Remastered (PS4)
Hyperspeed Gran Doll (PS1)
Stonekeep (PC)
Portal 1986 version (PC)
Super BOSS Gaiden (SNES)
Gunners Heaven (PS1)
Wolfenstein 3D/ Blake Stone Shareware (PC)
Zero Time Dilemma (Vita)
Renegade: Battle for Jacob’s Star (PC)
Alien Logic (PC)
Space Debris (PS1)
Undead Knights (PSP)
Star Ixiom (PS1)
Fading Shadows (PSP)
Radical Reggie’s Adventures (NES)

Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Games – HIDDEN GEMS Part 3

Do you have enough Sega Genesis / Mega Drive games in your collection?! I THINK NOT! Lucky for you The Immortal John Hancock is here to share his vast knowledge of the console and it’s amazing games.

Buy Sega Genesis games here:

Games Shown:
General Chaos
The Ooze
Thunder Fox
Master of Monsters
Star Control
Crack Down
Midnight Resistance
Target Earth
Caliber .50
Ranger X

Part 1:

Part 2:

Does Metal Jesus make KELSEY STAND ON A BOX!?!?!

I just want to say one thing: The path down which Metal Jesus Rocks wants to lead us is empty and bleak. For practical reasons, I have to confine my discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which I have something new to say. What I’m saying is this: Metal Jesus Rocks likes to argue that he can change his self-centered ways. Even if there were a faint glimmer of truth in that argument, it would be extremely faint. The truth is that whenever I highlight the threat of snippy Maoism in a letter such as this, Metal Jesus Rocks issues a standard response. First, he denies the threat itself. Then, he condemns those who describe him as a disrespectful fraudster. This is basically Metal Jesus Rocks’s way of encouraging humorless wallies to see themselves as victims and, therefore, live by alibis rather than by honest effort. Let me end by appealing to our collective sense of humanity: Metal Jesus Rocks and his associates are wolves in sheep’s clothing who will strip the world of conversation, friendship, and love in the coming days.

Limited Run Games for PlayStation VITA

Limited Run Games is a publisher that still puts of physical releases for the PS4 and Playstation VITA. In this video I play and review the first seven Vita releases from Limited Run Games and I show you gameplay footage.

Breach & Clear
Saturday Morning RPG
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Soldner X-2: Final Prototype

Limited Run Games for PlayStation VITA

** This video was NOT a paid ad or sponsored in any way. The opinions are my own. I just wanted to highlight them cuz I LOVE physical game releases & the Vita **

Atari ST Computer System Review

The Atari ST was introduced right before the Commodore Amiga in 1985. Popular with gamers, musicians and desktop publishers, the ST earned its right as one of the best 16-bit computers of its day. But is it still worth owning to a current collector of vintage computers? (From LazyGameReviews)

This is an overview of the history, hardware and software of the ST from the perspective of an American collector. How do the pros and cons stack up, and is it worth getting an ST over similar systems like the Amiga?

For lots of great info on the Atari ST and other Atari computers:

GAMER EATS: Stuffed Peppers & Smoked Nachos ON THE GRILL

Drunken Master Paul & Metal Jesus take Gamer Eats outside on the grill cooking tasty roasted stuffed peppers and smoked nachos!

Roasted Stuffed Peppers RECIPE:
You need half a dozen small to medium peppers, hot or mild

Dice half an white or red onion
Add a enough vegetable oil in skillet to lightly coat onions
Cook onion in skillet until starting to sweat and turn light brown
add half pound of chorizo 8oz. (add more if you want it meatier)
Cook chorizo and onions and oil until meet is completely cooked

Let cool until warm to touch

add half a cube of Philadelphia style cream cheese 4oz to stuffing. Mix well

Stuff hollowed half pepper boats full but not overflowing

Put peppers on hot grill for about 1 to 2 minutes, rotate once

Once stuffing has visibly melted and you have a good char on the bottom of the pepper, either add them to your oven broiler for another minute or use blowtorch… or you could just eat them as is.


Retro Gaming with a Heavy Metal Soundtrack