Let’s Play BURNOUT Racing Series: Burnout 2, 3 & Revenge

Drunken Master Paul stops by the Metal Jesus Game Room to play some classic BURNOUT 2, 3 & Revenge on the original XBOX. We do Road Rage, split screen multiplayer racing and Crash Mode. Good times!

Burnout is a series of high-speed racing games for the PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 game consoles.

TIPS for Finding BIG BOX PC Games – Collector Advice!

Rich Kromhout asks:
What is the best way to find big box pc games and to keep the box from getting damaged? In this video I share all of my secrets for finding these illusive games!

Buy BIG BOX PC Games here: http://goo.gl/QvpvVZ

MS-DOS is a discontinued operating system for x86-based personal computers mostly developed by Microsoft.

Dream Theater – In The Name of God – Solo Challenge IV

Guitar god shredder 331Erock takes on John Petrucci of Dream Theater: “Well, had to sit down for this one haha. The top comment on the last solo challenge video was “Dream Theater”. That narrowed it down pretty much haha. The 2 that were mentioned the most were “Stream of Consciousness” and this one. I learned “As I Am” and SOC off of Train of Thought somewhat before so I decided to go with the one I never touched. Hope I showed a sloppy tribute to JP’s nastiness :P”

My Arcade MAME Cabinet – UPDATED for 2017!

We recently upgraded the computer, software, joystick controller and monitor plus other physical aspects of our standup MAME arcade emulator cabinet for the game room.

Get Launchbox: https://www.launchbox-app.com

Computer Specs:
Dell x8900-2506BLK
Intel Quad Core i7-6700 3.4 GHz Processor
1 TB HDD Storage

Let me explain something to you. Um, I am not “Mr. Lebowski”. You’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.

N64 Buying Guide & Top 10 Great Games

Kinsey & Metal Jesus help first time N64 collectors know what consoles, controllers, accessories & top 10 games they need for their collection!

BUY N64 HERE: http://goo.gl/skKckv (Affiliate Link)

Games Shown:
Super Mario 64
Beetle Adventure Racing
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
Diddy Kong Racing
Super Smash Bros.
Mario Party 2
Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Majora’s Mask
Mischief Makers
Pokemon Snap

Code named Project Reality, the N64’s design was mostly finalized by mid-1995, though Nintendo 64’s launch was delayed until 1996 As part of the fifth generation of gaming, the system competed primarily with the PlayStation and the Sega Saturn. The Nintendo 64 was launched with three games: Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64, released worldwide; and Saikyō Habu Shōgi, released only in Japan.

Retro Gaming with a Heavy Metal Soundtrack