The Immortal John Hancock in Brazil!

The Immortal John Hancock in Brazil!

The Immortal John Hancock got the honor to attend Retrocon in São Paulo, Brazil and had a blast!

São Paulo, Brazil, is like the over-caffeinated cousin at the family reunion—loud, bustling, full of energy, and impossible to ignore. It’s a city that never sleeps because it’s too busy figuring out how to squeeze 24 hours’ worth of activity into every 12-hour day.

First off, São Paulo is enormous. If you think your daily commute is long, imagine traversing a city that seems to have its own gravitational pull, sucking in everything and everyone within a 50-mile radius. You could probably fit several European countries in there and still have room for a football match.

The traffic is a whole adventure in itself. Navigating São Paulo’s streets is like playing a never-ending game of Tetris, where the blocks are other cars, buses, and the occasional motorcycle zipping by at warp speed. It’s the city where being “fashionably late” is a way of life because, honestly, there was no way you were getting there on time anyway.

But São Paulo is also a city of contrasts. One minute you’re walking past skyscrapers that make you feel like you’ve accidentally stumbled into a “Futurama” episode, and the next, you’re in a leafy neighborhood where time seems to have slowed down just long enough for you to enjoy a leisurely coffee—probably the strongest, richest brew you’ve ever tasted, because in São Paulo, coffee is not just a drink; it’s a lifestyle.

The food scene? It’s like the United Nations on a plate. You can eat your way around the world without ever leaving the city. From sushi to pizza, to Brazilian barbecue that’ll make you question your life choices, São Paulo has it all. Just be prepared to roll yourself home after indulging because portion control is clearly a foreign concept here.

And the people? Paulistanos are the kind of folks who can juggle a dozen different things at once while still managing to look effortlessly cool. They’re friendly, direct, and have a knack for making even the most chaotic day seem like just another Tuesday.

In a nutshell, São Paulo is a wild ride—a chaotic, vibrant, electrifying metropolis that’ll leave you breathless, a little bit lost, and definitely craving another shot of that amazing coffee.