FOUND 1981 Ferrari 512 BB sitting for over 30 years

FOUND 1981 Ferrari 512 BB sitting for over 30 years

Peter discovers a beautiful 1981Ferrari 512BB with super low mileage that has been sitting untouched for decades! However this means it also hasn’t been maintained or serviced..he must negotiate a fair shake with the car’s owner in order to get his hands on this one. After taking it back to the shop, Gary is able to take it for a drive before Bill Wallace comes to take a look at it for a customer of his.

The Ferrari 512 BB is like the automotive equivalent of a rockstar from the ’70s—loud, wild, and unapologetically flashy. It’s the kind of car that doesn’t just turn heads; it practically snaps necks.

First, let’s talk about that design. The 512 BB looks like it was sculpted by someone who had a poster of a fighter jet on their wall and thought, “What if we turned this into a car?” With its low-slung body, pop-up headlights, and a rear end that could double as a launch pad, it’s the kind of ride that screams, “I’m fast, and I know it.” The name alone—”Berlinetta Boxer”—sounds like it should come with a pair of aviator sunglasses and a leather jacket.

Under the hood, or rather behind the seats because this is a Ferrari after all, you’ve got a 5.0-liter flat-12 engine. It’s like they crammed an orchestra into the back of the car, and every time you hit the gas, it’s like the conductor just told the brass section to go nuts. The roar of the engine is so intense, it’s like the car is constantly clearing its throat in the most aggressive way possible.

Driving the 512 BB is an experience in itself. It’s not the kind of car that politely asks you to steer; it demands that you hold on for dear life and enjoy the ride. The steering is heavy, the clutch requires the leg strength of a small bear, and the visibility? Well, let’s just say you’re better off focusing on what’s in front of you because whatever’s behind you is already a blur.

But here’s the thing—the 512 BB doesn’t care about your comfort. It’s not here to pamper you with cup holders or Bluetooth. This is a Ferrari from the days when driving was a full-contact sport, and every trip felt like a victory lap at Le Mans. You don’t just drive this car; you wrestle with it, and if you’re lucky, it lets you feel like a hero.

In the end, the Ferrari 512 BB is the kind of car that makes you want to grow a mustache, put on a pair of flared jeans, and blast some classic rock while you tear down the highway. It’s not practical, it’s not subtle, but who cares? It’s a Ferrari, baby—and it’s here to remind you that sometimes, the best things in life are the loudest, most ridiculous, and utterly thrilling.