The $5 BAD GAME CHALLENGE - Game Questing

The $5 BAD GAME CHALLENGE – Game Questing

Occasionally it’s fun to do something a little different on my YouTube channel: Metal Jesus takes Wood from BeatEmUps & TheBigJB around the Seattle area game hunting or “questing”. He also challenges them to find the WORST GAME for $5 or under…that isn’t Bubsy 3D!

Wood’s YouTube channel:


This video was a bit of a challenge to edit because I had originally hoped to show more normal game pickups…but in the end, it really became all about the $5 Bad Game Challenge. Sure we picked up a few non-shitty games…but nothing amazing. So in the end, the video got trimmed quite a bit to make it zip along more and I think it’s better for it.

Also…shooting the b-roll green screen stuff really made the video pop! Tiffany in particular had some really funny “outsider” remarks about how stupid we all were. She was kinda nervous she would come across as bitchy in the video…but I thought she was hilarious and just made it even better!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

$5 Dollar Bad Game Challenge AUDIO COMMENTARY

$5 Dollar Bad Game Challenge AUDIO COMMENTARY w/ MetalJesus