Category Archives: Mobile & Handhelds

Are GOOD mobile games WORTH SAVING?! I am on my old iPhone 6

Newer mobile versions of iOS and Android have unfortunately killed off support for older games. However, I have an iPhone 6s with backed up archive versions able to be played for years to come!

Doom 2 RPG / Wolfenstein RPG
Infinity Blade Trilogy
Dark Nebula 1 &2
Bring me Sandwiches!
Space Ace
Bug Princess 2
Puzzle PRISM
Metal Gear Solid Touch
Monsters Ate my Condo
Shogun: Rise of the Renegade
Raiden Legacy
Air Attack 2
Redline Rush
Mikey Shorts

Ultimate RASPBERRY Pi Gaming handheld! – Metal Jesus Special Edition

The Freeplay CM3 Metal Jesus Rocks Edition offers all the best features currently available in the Freeplay world.

– Freeplay CM3
– 3.2″ TFT LCD
– 2000 mAh battery
– Freeplay L2/R2 Addon Board
– L2 & R2 buttons for PSX and N64 games support.
– Fan for better temperature control.
– Freeplay LCD Brightness Controller
– Brightness control via interface menu.
– Durable Glass Lens
– Support most games from the early days up to N64/PSX

This console is intended for gamers with an intermediate to advanced computer knowledge. Users will need to connect to the device through FTP or SSH to configure, remap buttons, upload games, etc.

The NINTENDO DS Rocks! – Highlights from 125+ Games

Here are 40+ games from my Nintendo DS collection including gameplay footage.

Ghost Trick
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Impossible Mission
Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ
Contra 4
Point Blank DS
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Chrono Trigger
Legacy of Ys Book I & II

Suikoden Tierkreis
Orcs & Elves
Front Mission
Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble!
The Dark Spire
Time Hollow
Boing! Docomodake DS
Trackmania Turbo: Build to Race
Retro Game Challenge
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Aliens Infestation
The Legendary Starfy
Mario vs Donkey Kong 1 & 2
Metroid Prime Pinball
Prince of Persia: The Fallen King
Batman the Brave and the Bold
Bangai-O: Spirits
The World Ends with You
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits
Izuna: The Legend of the Unemployed Ninja 1 & 2
Scurge: Hive
Snowboard Kids
Soul Bubbles
Dementium 1 & 2
Solatorobo: The Red Hunter

My Video Gear & Equipment (affiliate links):
Sony FDR-AX53 4K camcorder :
Rode Shotgun microphone :
Audio Technica AT4033/CL (voice overs) :
STUDIO LIGHTS: Aputure Light Storm LS 1C
Headphones: Meze 99 Classics:

Computer: Apple iMac 27″ w/ Final Cut Pro X :
Elgato HD Game capture devices :

Nintendo’s SMALLEST & MOST OBSCURE game console! – Pokemon Mini + 10 Games

We review the Nintendo Pokemon Mini game consoles, the 10 retail released games for it, home-brew games & a backlit screen mod you’ll definitely want for it!

Pokémon Party mini
Pokémon Puzzle Collection
Pokémon Puzzle Collection vol. 2
Pokémon Tetris
Pokémon Pinball mini
Pokémon Zany Cards
Pokémon Race mini
Pokémon Breeder mini
Pichu Bros. mini
Togepi’s Great Adventure

PlayStation Vita is DEAD? HELL NO says Limited Run!! All 50+ Games Shown (w/ Gameplay)!!

Breach & Clear
Saturday Morning RPG
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty!
Futuridium EP Deluxe
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype
Rainbow Moon
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics

Thomas Was Alone
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark – Ultimate Edition
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut
Curses ‘N Chaos
Aqua Kitty DX
The Swapper
The Swindle

Ray Gigant
Mutant Mudds Deluxe
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge
Risk of Rain
Broken Age
Deemo: The Last Recital
Bard’s Gold
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas

Plague Road
Asdivine Hearts
Ys Origin
Mecho Tales
La-Mulana EX
SteamWorld Dig
SteamWorld Heist
Rock Boshers DX
Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Claire: Extended Cut
Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion
Revenant Saga
Sky Force Anniversary
Croixleur Sigma
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD
Factotum 90
Nurse Love Addiction
Organ Trail

Antiquia Lost

NINTENDO Switch Hidden Gems – Play these 9 games!

With around 1,000 games already on @Nintendo Switch, let’s find some Hidden Gems – Play these 9 games!

ATOMIK: RunGunJumpGun
Skies of Fury DX
Mantis Burn Racing
Breakforcist Battle
Sky Force Reloaded
Toki Tori
Aqua Kitty UDX

BUY Nintendo Switch : (affiliate link)


Metal Jesus: Hey guys, Metal Jesus here. Now, today I want to share with you some Nintendo Switch hidden gems that I found in the eShop. Now, there are a ton of games being released in the eShop and it’s easy to miss them, so let’s take a look.

All right, we’re going to start off with a nice little time waster called ATOMIK: RunGunJumpGun. That is such a funny subtitle, because it perfectly fits this little game. This game is the epitome of a game that is just one more try, where basically you keep dying and dying, as you basically feel like it’s impossible to get through these tough levels, but then you just magically do it, and it feels awesome.
I also really dig it’s kind of cool, retro, pixel art style graphics. It just fits perfectly, plus this game is surprisingly funny. Between each level, there is a guy that will talk to you, and they just say the weirdest stuff. I mean, usually you skip by that stuff, but in this game, you actually want to read it, because it’ll make you laugh. And, as you can tell by this footage, I am dying all over the place, but the game is super fun, so definitely check it out.

This next game is called Earthlock, and it might look kind of familiar to some of you who have played this on other systems. That’s because this game originally came out as Earthlock: Festival of Magic on PC and also consoles, like the Xbox One and also the PlayStation 4. However, when the game originally came out, it got mediocre reviews, and the developer at the time was actually working on the sequel, but they stopped and took all that criticism to heart, and put the sequel on hold. And then they dedicated over a year of time to fix almost everything that people didn’t like about it.
And so that’s the version of the game that we get on the Switch, which probably should have been the original version all along, but again, they had an extra year of development to really polish it. For instance, they added more memorable characters, also wittier and kind of more personable dialogue for all the different characters in the game. They added side quests, also hidden bosses, and a bunch of other little tweaks that they list on their website.
But basically, this is a throwback to, say, the PlayStation 1 era of JRPGs, and what I mean by that is, you know, in addition to turn-based combat, this also has crafting, gardening, a bunch of stuff like that. Now, that said, I don’t think this game is perfect, or frankly that memorable, but it is a really solid and fun JRPG, so if you’re missing those classic role playing games from like, say, the N64 era, well, then definitely check this out.

Lately, I’ve been playing an awful lot of a game called Skies of Fury DX, and as you can see here, it is a World War I style arcade aerial dogfighting game, that’s really well made. Now, right off the bat, I want to mention that this used to be a mobile, free-to-play game that you would play on your smart phone, but thankfully, all of that stuff has been stripped out and what you get is a fully functional, frankly pretty large game.
For instance, you can play as either the Germans or the Allies, and there are over 100 campaign missions, to keep you busy for a while. There’s also four player split-screen multiplayer dogfights, which is pretty awesome. There’s tons of unlockables too, to keep you playing the game, including upgrades for your aircraft, both in performance but also in the way it looks.
Now, I spent most of my time playing the single player campaign, and what you do in that is kind of what you do in a lot of these games, where you do death match, aerial dogfighting, taking down waves and waves of enemies. There’s also escort missions, and also time trials through obstacle courses. All told, if you miss games like Red Baron or even Crimson Skies, well, definitely check this out.

I do love my racing games, so I had to include Mantis Burn Racing on the Switch. Now, originally this was released on Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, but the Switch version is the complete package, with all of the DLC included. But even more than that, I’ve read that some of the reviews of the Xbox One and PS4 versions, people were getting kind of inconsistent frame rates, and that is something I did not experience on the Switch. I mean, it feels like it’s pushing close to 60 frames a second, although it’s definitely dropping, depending on how many AI cars are on the screen, but it’s always playable. I mean, I didn’t notice hardly at all.
Now, as for the game itself, as you can see here, it is a top-down arcade racing game. Now, this is very simple to play but pretty tough to master, as races get faster and faster as you progress and upgrade your car. Also, I found that the computer AI is no slouch. They keep you on your toes through the entire game. Also, you’ll notice that drifting is a big part of this game, so knowing when to drift, and also when to boost, is key to your success.
I also think that the tracks and environments look pretty cool. I mean, it’s a nice-looking game. Although that said, it doesn’t seem like there are a ton of tracks in the game, and you end up going through them forward and reverse, which is a little bit disappointing. The game also supports classic couch-style split screen, up to four players, and you can go online to race up to eight players, and it supports cross-network play. Very cool.

Next up is a game called #Breakforcist Battle. Now, this is a mix of classic Breakout with a little bit of Arkanoid thrown in, and then obviously, a very Japanese aesthetic. And, just like those other games, you control the paddle at the bottom and try not to let the ball get past you. Although, as you can see, this one is based on food, or specifically breakfast, because why not? I think what kind of sets this game apart is that obviously, you don’t want the ball to get past you, but really it’s focusing on combos, and then keeping them going through the use of the power-ups.
Now, I have to say, this game gets incredibly hectic as it moves along, because often, I would lose track of that ball amidst all this flying debris. That said, this is a fun and enjoyable take on that classic Breakout-style gameplay. It’s not going to change your world or anything, but this is a fun little time waster when you’re on the go.

Next up is a game called Kona. Now, some people have called this a walking simulator, but I actually think it’s a bit more than that. Unlike other walking simulator games that I’ve played, this one has a bit more adventure-style gameplay than most. Played entirely in the first person, you are up in the coldest parts of Canada, trying to solve a murder mystery and how it relates to the strange people who live in the area.
Now, I would describe this game as a mix of, say, film noir, mixed in with a little bit of local Canadian folklore, and then also a tad bit of survival horror as well. In this game, you do a lot of reading of notes and messages left behind, primarily in creepy, empty sheds and also abandoned homes and businesses. I like playing these games every once in a while, because they’re a nice break from the typical action-heavy games I normally play, so if you’re looking for a game that has an intriguing story as well as a touch of detective work, well definitely check it out.

Oh, man, I am so excited to be talking about Sky Force Reloaded on the Switch. Now, I want to say right off the bat that this is one of my favorite, my favorite shmups of all time. It’s so awesome. Basically, the way that I think of this game is a mix of a traditional, top-down arcade shooter but with really strong RPG elements included. Now, what I mean by that is that in the beginning of this game, you are incredibly weak and underpowered. This game is meant to be played through multiple times, so you’re going to have to go through these levels several times to upgrade your weapons, to get enough stars, to basically get more powerful so that you can unlock some of the challenges and the goals that are within each level.
So, think of it this way. This is a shooter that you end up grinding a lot, almost like a traditional RPG, but I know what people are thinking, like, “Oh, man. I hate grinding in RPGs,” and I’m with you. However, in this game, because you feel like you’re getting more powerful, you feel like you’re progressing all the time. This game, you just want to try one more time, one more time. It’s so much fun. So if you’re a fan of shoot ’em ups, like me, but you’re looking for a game that has a little bit more depth than you normally see in the genre, oh man, definitely check this game out.

Toki Tori. Oh yes, a puzzle game with platforming elements. Now, this is going to be familiar to some of you, because sequels have come out recently in the last couple of years. However, this is the original version. You can call this kind of like a remaster or a reboot. It originally came out on the Game Boy Color, so yes, this is a remake of the original Game Boy Color version, with obviously a new coat of paint.
In this puzzle game, you play as a young chick trying to rescue your siblings that are still in eggs, hidden all around the level. And to help you do that, you have tools to get through the level, including the ability to build bridges, also warp to other levels, freeze enemies, and more. But the trick to this game is that you can only use those tools a set number of times. Now, if you use them incorrectly or at the wrong moment, well, the puzzle is unsolvable. But thankfully, you have the ability to rewind time and try and try again.
This game is a bit of a mind-bender, and honestly, I find it to be very tough, maybe because I’m not the smartest guy, but when I would solve it, it would feel awesome. So if you love puzzle games that are going to work your brain, definitely check it out.

Next up is Aqua Kitty UDX. This game is going to feel very similar to fans of Defender. Do you remember playing Defender back in the ’80s at the arcade? Oh man, I certainly do, and this is a really cool clone. And like Defender, this game is a shooter, where you move your ship side to side, using the left and right bumpers to change the direction you’re facing.
In the midst of all the shooting, you have to keep an eye on that mini-map up at the top there, because that is tracking where the enemies are, but more importantly, also where your cat friends are possibly being abducted. So, just like in Defender, every once in a while, you’ll hear a cat cry out, and that means they’re being abducted and taken to the surface. That means you’ve got to rush over there and try to save them as quickly as possible. New to the Switch version is a brand-new dreadnought boss mode as well. Aqua Kitty UDX is a really fun, classic-style shooter game. If you like Defender, definitely check it out.

So that’s some of the games I’ve been playing on my Switch, but I would love to know what you guys recommend I pick up next. Please post a comment down below. As always, I want to thank you for watching my channel. Thank you for subscribing, and take care.
Man, it is incredibly impressive and also a little overwhelming to see just how many new games are added to the Nintendo Switch eShop every single week. It seems like there’s 10 new games, at least, added every week. It’s crazy, so for fans like us, we love our Switch. It’s cool to have games on it, but it’s a little overwhelming because you just don’t know what you should spend your money on, so I hope you guys found this video useful. All right, thanks for watching.

Limited Release GBAs from Rose Colored Gaming

Rose Colored Gaming is known for their excellent handheld stands but occasionally they do limited releases like these NES / Famicom GBAs. This is a quick unboxing and first impressions.

** DISCLAIMER: I was sent these for review, but the video is not sponsored and nobody is reviewing this video before release. The opinions in this video are my own **