Category Archives: Sony (Hidden Gems)

Sony Games & Hidden Gems

ALL NEW: PlayStation 4 / PS4 Games – Hidden Gems

The Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) is a huge success with hundreds of games released from big Triple-AAA titles to small independent games and more. Here Reggie and Metal Jesus tell you some of our favorite hidden gems games for the PS4 and which ones you should add to your collection!

Games Shown:
This War of Mine: the Little Ones
Caladrius Blaze
Deadlight: Director’s Cut
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams The Director’s Cut
Assault Suit Leynos
Shadow Complex: Remastered
Anima: Gate of Memories

Limited Run Games for PlayStation VITA

Limited Run Games is a publisher that still puts of physical releases for the PS4 and Playstation VITA. In this video I play and review the first seven Vita releases from Limited Run Games and I show you gameplay footage.

Breach & Clear
Saturday Morning RPG
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Soldner X-2: Final Prototype

Limited Run Games for PlayStation VITA

** This video was NOT a paid ad or sponsored in any way. The opinions are my own. I just wanted to highlight them cuz I LOVE physical game releases & the Vita **

Sony VITA Buying Guide + Best Games & Honorable Mentions!

Why buy the Sony Vita? Because it’s an AWESOME handheld game system and this guide will help you figure out which Vita model is right for you! Also we give some PS Vita game recommendations, some honorable mentions and places you can find out about new releases, meet fellow collectors and more.

BUY VITA GAMES HERE: (Affiliate Link)

Games Shown:
Tales of Hearts R
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Killzone Mercenary
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ’n’ Tasty!
Futuridium: Extended Play Deluxe
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Child of Light
Persona 4 Golden
PS1 Games: Metal Slug X & Shienryu
Super Stardust Delta
Virtue’s Last Reward

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Wipeout 2048
Ridge Racer
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd
Persona 4 Dancing All Night
Michael Jackson The Experience HD
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Sly Cooper Collection
God of War Collection
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon’s Crown

Sony PSP Game Collection – 200+ Games!

I show you all 200+ Sony PSP games I have in my collection and highlight some of the more rare or interesting or fun games YOU should play too! This collection is grouped by RPGs, Racing games, Puzzle games, action/platformer, sports, flight, fighting and more!

BUY PSP Games here:

For your completionists: Wikipedia lists 865 physical games for the PSP worldwide, which does not include any of the downloadable PS Mini or PSOne games.



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Let’s Play Hidden Gems: Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild (PS2)

Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild is one of my favorite arcade racing games on the PS2 and today I play four of my favorite tracks from the crazy fun game! This game is unique in that each of the theme park inspired tracks change during each lap. Plus there is a robust trick system, crazy over-the-top characters and lots of unlockables. If you are looking for your next Playstation 2 Hidden Gem, this is it!

Buy SPLASHDOWN Rides Gone Wild here:

PS2 Buying Guide & Great Games

Are you thinking of getting into PS2 collecting? This video explains the different models of Playstation 2, what to look for that tends to fail, some different controllers and 10 games we highly recommend to get you started!

What are the 10 PS2 Games a new collector should buy Day 1?

Video Transcription:

Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here and I am back again with Kinsey.

Kinsey: Hello, great to back everybody. Today we’re going to be talking about an intro buyer’s guide to the PlayStation 2.

Metal Jesus: This is going to be a great video if you are just getting into collecting for the Playstation 2. Let’s say you’re at a retro gaming store or maybe at a garage sale and you’re wondering, like, what do you get? What do you need to know about the PS2 in order to start collecting for it. So we’re going to cover the different models, we’re going to cover the accessories, and we’re going to cover our top 10 games that you should just get day one.
Continue reading PS2 Buying Guide & Great Games

Why BUY the Sony VITA?

Is the Vita slowly dying…or is it finding its audience and gaining a passionate following? I finally buy a Sony Playstation Vita and here are the reasons why YOU may want to as well!

In this video I talk about all the highlights of the handheld, including the 900 games you can play on it, Remote Play to the PS4, physical vs digital releases, the hardware improvements over the PSP and more. And then I also talk about some of the drawbacks like the lack of 1st party support and expensive SD memory cards.
 Video Transcription:

Metal Jesus here, and I’m back again asking the question, why did I now finally just buy the PlayStation Vita and why you may want to as well? Let’s take a look.
Continue reading Why BUY the Sony VITA?

PS1 Game Collecting – More Hidden Gems

Sony’s Playstation 1 ruled the second half of the 1990s and there were hundreds of great games for the console. However, some hidden gems are still out there for serious collectors. Part 2 of my Hidden Gems series with Reggie. Thanks to DillionEntertainment for the green screen backgrounds.

Continue reading PS1 Game Collecting – More Hidden Gems