Category Archives: HIDDEN GEMS

The PS3 games I STILL play all the time!

These PS3 games are still great after all these years! Which ones do you still go back and play on the PlayStation 3 all these years later? Which ones did I miss?

Games Shown:
Tornado Outbreak
Resistance 2
Killzone 2
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
NFS: The Run
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
3D Dot Game Heroes

The GameCube games I STILL play all the time!

These 8 GameCube games are still great after all these years! Which ones do you still go back and play on the GameCube all these years later? Which ones did I miss?



F-Zero GX

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

Metroid Prime

Eternal Darkness

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2 – Rogue Leader

Gotcha Force

Kirby Air Ride

The PS4 is a SHOOT ‘EM UP fan’s DREAM MACHINE! 😍

There are so many great arcade-style shoot em ups (shmups) on the PlayStation 4. And many got a physical release! 


Shikhondo – Soul Eater

Battle Garegga

Raiden V


Ketsui Deathtiny

R-Type Dimensions EX

Psyvariar Delta

ESP Ra.De. Psi 

Dangun Feveron

Sisters Royale

Sine Mora EX

Dimension Drive

Caladrius Blaze


REGGIE’S BACK! – Recent GAME PICKUPS – PS4/Switch/Xbox/NES/Dreamcast/PS1

REGGIE’S BACK! w/ Recent GAME PICKUPS – Almost an HOUR of PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox, NES, Dreamcast, PS1 – WATCH >>


Horizon Chase Turbo: Senna Sempre (PS4)

Forza Horizon 5 (Xbox Series X)

Huntdown (PS4)

Rocketron (Dreamcast)
A Hat in Time (PS4)

Plummet Challenge (NES)

Wallachia (PS4/Switch)

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy (Xbox Series X)

Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2 (Switch)

Dangun Feveron (PS4)

Blazing Beaks (PS4)

Dark Pictures: Little Hope & House of Ashes (Xbox Series X)

Street Fighter figures

Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Pins

Metroid Dread Special Edition (Switch)

Okinawa Rush (Switch)

Lady Terminator (DVD)

Intrepid Izzy (Dreamcast)

Back 4 Blood (PS4)

Chorus (PS5)

Blaster Master Zero, 2 & 3 (Switch)

A Robot Named Fight! (Switch)

Captain Commando (PS1)

Box o’ PSP games

FunStation (Famicom clone system)

Arietta of Spirits (PS4/Switch)

1942 / 1943 Replicade arcade

The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (PS4)