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** NEW ** GAME PICKUPS of 2022 w/ Reggie!! (Switch, PS4, Xbox, C64, Dreamcast, Saturn)

We are BACK w/ another epic GAME PICKUPS video today! 40 Games on Switch, PS4, Xbox, C64, Dreamcast, Saturn & more! 


Real Bout Fatal Fury (Saturn/Arcade)

F.I.S.T. (PS4/PS5/PC)

Moving Out (PS4/Switch/Xbox One)

Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game (PS3/PS4/Xbox/Switch/PC)

Double Dragon IV (PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One/Mobile)

Star Wars Republic Commando (Switch/Xbox/PC/PS4)

Star Wars Racer (Switch/PC/N64/Dreamcast/PS4/Xbox)

UnMetal (PS Vita/PS4/Xbox/PC)

Leisure Suit Larry Collection (Dreamcast)

Blazing Chrome (PS4/Xbox One/PC/Switch)

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne (Switch/PS2)

Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)

G-Darius HD (Switch/PC)

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania (Switch/PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox)

World War Z (Switch/PC/PS4/Xbox One)

Moon8: Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon (NES)

Cris Tales (Switch/PC/PS4/PS5)

Far Cry 6 (Xbox Series X/PS4/PS5)

Erica (PS4/iOS/PC)

Roniu’s Tale (NES)

Inspector Waffles (PS4/Switch/PC)

River City: Rival Showdown (3DS) 

River City: Tokyo Rumble (3DS)

112th Seed (PS4/Xbox/Switch)

Castlevania Anniversary Collection (Switch/PC/Xbox)

Deadly Premonitions Origins (Switch/PC)

Deponia Collection (Switch/PS4/Xbox One)

Obey Me (PS4/Xbox One/PC/Switch)

Krazy Racers (GBA)

NEOGEO Pocket Color Selection Vol 1 (Switch/PC)

DEX (Switch/PS4/PC/Vita/Xbox One)

Iron Wings (Switch/Xbox One/PC/Android)

Conan (C64)

DragonHawk (C64)

Koronis Rift (C64)

Jumpman (C64)

Gateway to Apshai (C64)

Blue Max (C64)

Marble Madness (C64)

Realm of Impossibility (C64)

Microsoft now OWNS classic SIERRA GAMES?!?

Microsoft’s announcement to buy Activision for $70 billion comes with an added surprise: They will also own classic Sierra On-Line game franchises! King’s Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest, Phantasmagoria, Tribes, Willy Beamish, & hundreds more. Here are my thoughts on the epic merger and what it may mean for the future of Sierra games we all love.