I’m needing a bit more time for recovery, so today’s video is a PC Games Marathon – How to play, collecting & rare $$$ (Windows 98 / XP / MS-DOS)
I’m needing a bit more time for recovery, so today’s video is a PC Games Marathon – How to play, collecting & rare $$$ (Windows 98 / XP / MS-DOS)
Collection of my 7th Generation Game Console BUYING GUIDES for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP & Nintendo DS. Which was better: Generation 6 (PS2, Xbox, GameCube) or 7 (PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii)?
Collection of my most popular travel and game hunting videos. We go to Japan, Oregon Beach, small towns in Washington, Las Vegas and more!
0:00 Japan Part 1
20:45 Japan Part 2
42:00 Oregon Beach House
55:25 Portland Retro Expo Trip
1:13:51 Small Washington Towns
1:30:46 Las Vegas
Health Update: I’m healing nicely and no more jaw pain which is great! However, I’m still getting used to the plastic retainer w/fake teeth in my mouth and I still slur when I talk. Right now I’m reading books out loud every day to try and get past that. Hopefully I’ll be back to creating NEW VIDEOS for you guys in a couple weeks. Thanks for your patience!
I’m still recovering from dental surgery, so I put together my favorite Kelsey Lewin videos including a tour of Pink Gorilla store in Seattle, how to spot FAKE games, tips for cleaning games, travel to E3, finding cheap games and more! WATCH >> https://youtu.be/H57t2Q8wsRI
0:00 Pink Gorilla Store Tour
12:48 $5 Good Game Challenge
26:35 The Box
27:02 How to Spot Fake Games
47:40 The Box II: Electric Boogaloo
48:00 The E3 Experience
1:05:50 NWC Cart Found
1:16:30 How to Clean Cartridges
1:32:17 ZXD-E PS1 Fighting Game
Looking for Nintendo Switch games? Here’s 2 Hours, 7 classic episodes & 55 Games including cheap games, hidden gems, racing games, shoot em ups & more!
Immortal Redneck
Battle Chef Brigade
The Banner Saga
Night in the Woods
Framed Collection
Death Road to Canada
Golf Story
Cat Quest
Donut County
Unravel Two
Assault Android Cactus+
Shantae and the Pirates Curse
Red Strings Club
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
The Wonderful 101
John Wick Hex
Star Wars Pinball
Kaze & the Wild Masks
Darksiders II & III
Destroy all Humans!
Bioshock Collection
NFS: Hot Pursuit
Resident Evil: Origins Collection
ATOMIK: RunGunJumpGun
Skies of Fury DX
Mantis Burn Racing
Breakforcist Battle
Toki Tori
Aqua Kitty UDX
Asphalt 9: Legends
Nickelodeon Kart Racers
Riptide GP Renegade
Gear.Club Unlimited 1 & 2
Horizon Chase Turbo
Fast RMX
Aero Fighters 2
Sky Force Reloaded
Hyper Sentinel
Blazing Star
Zero Gunner 2-
Strikers 1945 II
Gunbird 2
Danmaku Unlimited 3
Review of the FURY GT-EV3 Racing Wheel for PS4, Switch & PC. It’s fairly cheap at $90 and they are designed for arcade racing fans. But is it right for you?
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3UEVKGG (affiliate)
People said it was difficult to find video games in Hawaii. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! We take a trip to Oahu Hawaii. In Honolulu we hunt for games, eat amazing food, visit beautiful beaches & relax in the warm tropical weather.
Aloha Swap Meet w/ Retro Max: https://www.instagram.com/retromax_hawaii
A full hour of GAME PICKUPS! ( Switch / PS4 / Dreamcast / NES / PS3) – How many physical PS4 games do YOU think Reggie owns? Watch the video to find out!
FX-Unit Yuki (Dreamcast)
Metal Max Xeno Reborn (Switch)
Road 96 Prologue (Book)
Dungeons & Doomknights (Switch)
Infernax (PS4)
Lumote (Switch)
Capcom Fighting Collection (PS4 / Switch)
Prince of Persia (PS3)
The House of the Dead Remake (Switch)
Mechwarrior 5 (PS5)
Snow Bros. Tom & Nick Special (Switch)
Ganryu 2 (Switch)
Taito Milestones (Switch)
Sturmwind (Dreamcast)
Fight n Rage (Switch)
Ferrari Challenge (PS3)
Cotton Reboot (strictly limited) (PS4)
Wytchwood (Switch)
Horgihugh & Friends (Switch)
The Arm Wrestling Classic (NES)
Eastward (Switch)
Pac-Man Museum+ (Switch)
Monster Crown (PS4)
Shadow Gangs (Dreamcast)
Wonder Boy Collection (Switch / PS4)
Space Turtle Ship (Genesis)
Monster Hunter Stories 2 (Switch)
Gaiares (Genesis)
Asterix & Obelix: Slap them All! (PS4)
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined (Switch)
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (PS4)
Rainbow Billy (Switch / PS4)
Chrono Cross the Radical Dreamers Edition (Switch)
My experience using the Valve Steam Deck while flying in airplane mode. Getting games to run and managing battery life can be a challenge. WATCH >> https://youtu.be/itBscLjRCPc – Do you think game devs will allow their games run w/o an internet connection?
We love cheap PS4 & Xbox One games and here are 10 games for $20 or LESS!
The Evil Within 2
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
DMC: Devil May Cry
Knack II
Dead rising 2
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Children of Morta
Watch Dogs 2
Video Transcription (English)
– Hey guys, Metal Jesus here. And today I’m back again with Reggie.
– [Reggie] Yep. How’s it going everyone? And today we’re gonna give you guys 10 games under $20 for the PS4 and the Xbox One.
– [Metal Jesus] Yeah, we’re gonna cruise around Seattle to a bunch of gaming stores to find these, and we like all of them. So why don’t you go first?
– [Reggie] All right, so “The Evil Within: Part 2.” This is probably one of my favorite survival horror games of all time. One of the things I really liked about this game was the story. The story is very strong. It’s very deep, and it’s very well put together. You play as a man who’s trying to save his daughter, and he’s going through all kind of obstacles to save her. And what he goes through is pretty nightmarish, and there’s a lot of history to this character. The graphics in the game look outstanding. The voice acting was well done. And you come to care about a lot of the characters you meet in this game. It was just very brilliant. Some crazy, crazy scenes in this game. Horror scenes that’ll probably stick with you forever so. In the beginning of the game, you wanna play the game with caution because there are a lot of enemies, and they will overwhelm you. You don’t have enough weapons in the beginning, but you’ll get there later if you play the game properly, I would say. You will also be stalked in this game, so be careful of that, you know. You always wanna kind of like watch your back. You can see what’s behind you. You hear something. You might be being followed. So just be careful of that, but definitely one of my favorite games of all time. I hope that you guys play this one. I’m looking forward to hearing your comments about it. And at this price, you should definitely pick it up.
– [Metal Jesus] I’m gonna start with another, I guess kind of horror themed game called “Vampyr.” This is a third person action role-playing game. And in it, you play as a London doctor who has recently been bitten and is turning into a, kind of a new vampire. I like a lot of things about this game, but one of my favorite is the setting. It takes place in 1918, and it’s during the Spanish Flu. And so what’s cool about this game is that your services as a doctor are still desperately needed because London is filled with all of these really sick people. And so a few people around you know of your condition and basically they want him to still keep working in the local hospital and helping people, even though he’s a vampire. And then the game will give you the moral choice as to whether you want to feed off of innocent people, which will ultimately make the situation worse in London, or perhaps you can find other methods of dealing with your new vampirism. But the main goal of the game is to try and figure out who turned you into a vampire and also decide just how evil you want to become. Overall, I think this game is pretty good. I mean, it’s not perfect. The combat in it can be a bit frustrating in the beginning when you’re learning the mechanics. I mean, it will quickly overwhelm you, and you might want to consider starting on easy if you find these kind of games difficult. And that’s really my main critique is that while I like the environment and the story and the characters and all that, it’s the combat that I don’t necessarily love. I just think it was done much better in games like “The Witcher” or maybe “Batman” or the “Mad Max” games. Here, it just feels a little sloppy and imprecise, but overall, I do think this is a really fun game, especially if you’re in the vampires and RPGs. And again, at this price, why not take a look?
– [Reggie] “Blazblue: Chorono Phantasma Extend.” This is pretty much director’s cut of that game. This is the third game in a series. And what I like about this game is that not only does it have an arcade mode as you get used to, but also it has a deep story mode for those people who wanna get into the lore. For this price, this game is amazing. I would say this game is pretty much like a spiritual successor to the “Guilty Gear” series. I’m not sure of a lot of people played the old school games of those, but this game has a lot going for it. There’s so much to do. There’s so many extras you can unlock. It just has a lot going for it. Character endings. Voice acting. English and Japanese. It just seems like, they put so much love into this game. And if you haven’t played it yet, it’s definitely something you want to pick up. I wouldn’t consider it one of my favorite fighting games of all time, but it’s definitely in my top five. So definitely check this one out guys.
– [Metal Jesus] You guys know that I like “Star Wars” games. And up to this point, I haven’t really talked about “Jedi: Fallen Order.” Well, that changes today. It’s been a while since we’ve had a really good triple-A “Star Wars” third person action game, right? We’ve had a lot of first person games like, you know, the “Battlefield Games.” Those are great. But yeah, I think it’s been a while since we’ve had one quite like this. You play as a young Jedi that is in hiding after the extermination of all Jedi during Order 66. However, you know, being the good guy and being a Jedi, you can’t stay hidden for long, and quickly you are drawn into this epic adventure. Basically you’re teaming up with some rebels that are following clues left behind an older Jedi that has a list of potential force-sensitive kids like yourself. And this takes you on a big campaign across many different worlds. And along the way, you’re gonna explore environments. You’re gonna be looking for clues. You’ll upgrade your Jedi powers. And also you can modify your light saber. Things like that. And you’ll battle a bunch of creatures as well as waves of empire soldiers all while doing a good amount of platforming and puzzle solving. You know, I was thinking about it as I was playing this. And honestly, this game kind of feels like if you were to mix “Star Wars” with say “Tomb Raider.” Maybe a little bit of “Dark Souls” and the “Uncharted” series. And as you can see here, the graphics are great, and the combat feels very satisfying. It never gets old when you force push like a storm trooper off ledge to their death. I love that. And it’s a long game too. It’s gonna take you about 20, maybe 24 hours to play through depending on how many secret upgrades and collectibles you wanna find. This is a really good “Star Wars” game. Maybe one of the best. Certainly in the last couple years.
– [Reggie] Next up, we have “DMC: Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition.” Now this is a reimagination of the “Devil May Cry” series. At the time that I played it, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was very well done. And this was at a time that I didn’t think they were gonna make any more “Devil May Cry” games, so I thought they were pretty much just gonna reboot the series with this one. I know a lot of people won’t agree with me about this, you know, the way they went with this game. But still, I think it was well done. I love a lot of the boss fights it has. I love how Virgil was in this game ’cause Virgil was my favorite character. And I like Dante a little bit later in the game. I thought he was pretty cool. Overall, I feel like the game is worth the price it’s going for. You get all the DLC so you could play as Virgil. And I think his levels are really cool, but I think this was a good, like I wanna say like just a reimagination, you know. Try it out. You know, the battles are fun, especially the boss fights. But let me know what you guys think about this one.
– [Metal Jesus] Next up is a game I’ve known about for a long time, but for whatever reason, I just didn’t play it until now. And that of course is “Knack II.” I remember the original “Knack” being somewhat of a performance showcase for the then new PS4, but I didn’t have a PS4 at launch. And so I guess I just never got into this series until recently, but I’m glad I did. As you can see here, this is a third person platforming slash beat him up game, and you play as Knack, which is this creature that can summon parts to basically make himself bigger or smaller. And so to be honest, I didn’t play the original game. I just jumped into the second one here, so I’m not entirely sure like what his backstory is, but to be honest, you don’t have to care at all. I certainly didn’t feel that I was lost or anything like that. This game has you hanging out with two humans, which I assume are probably from the original game, but basically involves evil elves and a reawakened robot army that’s gonna take over the world. Again, not really important. It’s just kind of there to move you along. Basically the real star of the game here is the graphics and the gameplay. So it feels very much like a brawler. You’re gonna do a lot of punching and a lot of kicking. Plus you have special moves like you see this one here where I’ve unlocked the ability to just rapidly punch this dude in the face a bunch of times. Also you can body slam. You’ve got a quick dodge and a lot more. And the platform here is really good. I like how the game uses the scale of your character a lot. So for instance, there are times when you need to be very large because you’re fighting enemies that are large, but then you’ll have to shrink down and go into these little holes to go into like say, you know, old ruin or something like that. Or maybe the ledges are a little bit too narrow, so you need to be smaller, but then you’ll grow back up to your full size. The game has you doing that a lot, which is really cool. And I think the graphics still hold up today. It looks very crisp. It runs really great. I like how you can see all the little pieces of Knack as he shrinks and grows. I think that’s pretty cool. So this is probably not the deepest game on the list, but I do think it’s a fun title nonetheless, and maybe even a little overlooked. Have you played it? What do you think?
– [Reggie] Next up we have “Dead Rising: Part 2.” Before I talk about that, I just wanna let you guys know there are two live action movies of the “Dead Rising” series that you guys should check out. There’s “Watch Tower,” and I think there’s one called “Dead End” or something like that. I totally forgot what that one was called, but they’re definitely worth watching. They were actually on Crackle if you guys remember that streaming service when it came out for a while, but you can find it on DVD as well. Now going into the game, “Dead Rising 2” I really feel like it’s my favorite in the series. I really like Chuck Green and the story of him trying to save his daughter. Like it’s crazy because what he has to go through. Basically this takes place few years after the first game. And he’s in this place called Fortune City, and all havoc has broken out. You know, it’s insane. Zombies running around. You have to get your daughter her medicine in a certain amount of time. If you don’t, it’s pretty much you get a bad ending. So it’s very tense, but it’s a lot of fun because you could pretty much do like a lot of things like you just like drive vehicles, create weapons. It’s a plethora of things you could do in this game. And it’s pretty amazing, but don’t have too much fun because there is a timer, and you have to like, you have to make it in time before time runs out because if you don’t, you’ll get that bad ending, which you don’t wanna do in this game. This game is all over the place in goodness, not bad. But it’s a lot of fun. This is my favorite in this series. And I did unlock the good ending thankfully. I was very careful, but this is my favorite game in this series. And I honestly think this is the best one. So for the price you’re seeing it here, definitely worth picking up.
– [Metal Jesus] Next step is a game I really wanted to talk about for one specific reason, and that is EA has a history of delisting awesome games. And “Burnout Paradise,” while not technically delisted yet, I think could eventually fade away. And that would be a real shame. Why do I say that? Well, EA has already done that with some of the more recent “Need for Speed” games, like “Carbon” and “Shift.” So if you go onto Steam and look for those, you won’t find them anymore. Now “Burnout Paradise” is technically on there, however, if you look at the comments, there’s a bunch of people there who can’t get it to run and need to go find like a fan-made mod or patched even to get this game to work. And so, because of that, I think if you want to play this game in the future, you may want to pick up the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One version today. Now, if you’re not familiar with this game, well, you are in luck because it is a very good one. It’s basically just an open world burnout game. And I’ll be honest, technically it’s not my favorite in the franchise, but most of the things that make the series great are here. For instance, you’ve got crazy fast races. You’ve got really tight arcade controls, great graphics, and oh yeah, baby, you’ve got some road rage. But it is a little bit different than the previous “Burnout” games. Those were very linear kinda level design games where this one is open world. And because of that, it changes it quite a bit. For instance, you’ll notice here on the map that every intersection or most intersections have a little colored dot there. And depending on the color of the dot is a different type of race, and you initiate that as you go to the intersection, you’ll pull the left and right trigger to enable those. And so instead of basically having a menu to choose from, you have to kind of drive around the map and find the different types of events that you wanna take part in. And what’s interesting is because it’s open world, there may not be one particular way to get to the finish line. And so that really means that you want to be familiar with the city or the map. Kind of know your way around, but the game will give you hints. So notice that the street name blinks as you approach an intersection. So it’s basically making a recommendation that you should take, although you never have to. So you can just blow past that, and it’ll make adjustments for you. Also included here is “Big Surf Island,” which was originally DLC along with a bunch of additional downloadable cars. And “Big Surf Island” is really cool because it’s basically all of the best elements of “Burnout,” but just jammed onto the small island. So the races are tighter. The jumps are bigger. The shortcuts are more frequent. It’s awesome. The only thing really missing in this game is a proper crash mode, which kind of sucks. But if you can get past that, man, there is a lot of fun to be had in this game.
– [Reggie] Next up we have children of “Children of Morta.” This is a top-down rogue RPG that really reminds me of like a co-op “Zelda” game in a way, you know. There’s lots of moves and spells you can unlock. And a little bit about the story, you play as a family of heroes that are trying to stop this evil monster, these evil demons. There’s a lot to unlock in this game. Lots of magic and special moves, but I have to tell you guys, a lot of people get attached to just spamming the same move over and over again. It’s better to learn like all the moves in this game because it just gives you a lot of opportunities to do like some really outstanding spells and moves later in the game, which you will most likely need. What I’ve seen a lot of times when people play this game, they kind of just mash the same button over and over again and play the game like that. You could play the game like that and possibly enjoy it. But you’re missing out on a lot of stuff in this game. So definitely play this game with a friend. It’s a lot of fun. It really pulls you into sprite work. It’s well done. The character voices are well done. It really sucks you in. You feel like you’re in a new world. So definitely add this one on your list especially at this price.
– [Metal Jesus] Next step is a game called “Watch Dogs 2.” And in this game, you play as an elite hacker who joins this underground hacker group in San Francisco and is basically trying to bring down this mega corporation. And the way you’re gonna bring them down is by pulling off these public stunts all around town that will increase your popularity and get people to download your app. Now, what people don’t know is this app has a secret purpose that is going to help you gain access to that company. Because essentially what you’re gonna do is use all the combined power of those smartphones that have your app on it to overpower their security systems. But let’s be honest, I mean, basically that’s just a long winded plot device to give you permission to do all this crazy stuff on the street, right? Because you’re trying to get popular. And this game is open world and probably gets compared a little bit to “Grand Theft Auto.” But obviously instead of being career criminals, you are hackers in this game. Watching this game play footage, you probably notice that the way you interact with the environment is very different than in “Grand Theft Auto” because you know, everything today is digitally connected and so everywhere you go, basically all of our little devices are connected to the same internet. And so you being a hacker, you can read people’s bios. You can see their bank accounts. You can see their social media posts, et cetera. And so in real time, you can hack doors. You can change traffic lights and just do a ton more stuff. Because again, everything’s connected. It’s a pretty cool open world game with lots of things to do and explore. And also I like the location of San Francisco. It makes it a very interesting and fun location to drive around and play around in. You’re not gonna get bored with this game anytime soon. And at that price, it’s a pretty good deal.
– [Reggie] All right, guys, I hope you enjoyed the video. Let me and Jason know if you want us to do more videos like this in the future because we saw a lot of games out there that we think you guys might be interested in. So hopefully you guys enjoyed this video. We will do another one in the future. As always take care.