In 1989 in order to avoid a Failing grade in Electronics Class, I created a Safety Film music video with the help of my friends. I’m not sure about how much actual quality information I convey, but it was a great excuse to mess around…and I got an A Grade!
All posts by Metal Jesus Rocks
PS3 HD Remakes & Collections
The Sony PS3 was home to great High Definition Remasters based on classic PS2 franchises. Here are some of my favorites from the game collection along with what is new and special about each.
Games Shown:
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster
God of War Collection (GW1 & 2)
God of War: Origins Collection (Chains of Olympus & Sparta)
Jak & Daxter Collection
The Sly Collection
Silent Hill HD Collection
Zone of The Enders HD Collection
What game or series never got the HD treatment that you wish would get remastered?
Strife PC Game Review – Classic 90s FPS!
Strife was a groundbreaking PC FPS game released in 1996 and mixed elements of Doom, Deus Ex & System Shock into an original and exciting game that most gamers criminally ignored. Here is a new in-depth review of the game that you can still play now thanks to sites like GOG and Steam. Check it out!
“Strife box cover” by Source. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia.
TurboGrafx-16 SHOOTER Games- Favorites
Carlos shows us the BEST TurboGrafx-16 Shooters or Shmups on the console.
Games Shown:
Air Zonk
Blazing Lazers
Parodius Da!
Super Star Soldier
Soldier Blade
Final Soldier
I am becoming a huge fan of Cute’em Ups!
TOP 10 Saturn Games
Top 10 Saturn Games of all time with Anna. The Sega Saturn was a mostly ignored console in North America but it was still home to tons of amazing games you should play and own!
Recent Game Pickups – AMAZING Games!
In this game pickups video I show you some AMAZING SNES, Big Box PC, NES Home-brews, Atari 2600 games & much more!
10 Unforgettable Ozzy Osbourne Moments
Ozzy is a crazy mother f-cker and has done pretty nutty things. Here is LoudWire’s Top 10 Unforgettable Ozzy Osbourne Moments
3D PRINTING Mini Game Consoles & Computers
Dave with Rabbit Engineering 3D prints and sells micro game consoles & vintage computers that are stunning to collect! Apple II, Nintendo NES, Atari 2600, Commodore 64 and so many more cool 3D printed collectables!
COUPON: WeHeartMetalJesus
Top 10 PS3 Games – All Time
Kinsey & Metal Jesus bring you Top 10 PS3 Games – All Time!
Video Transcription:
Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here, and I am back with Kinsey.
Kinsey: Hello!
Metal Jesus: And today, we’re going to do our top 10 PlayStation 3 games of all time.
Kinsey: Yeah!
Metal Jesus: All right, so coming in at number 10 is a game called Valkyria Chronicles. Have you played this?
Kinsey: Not much of it, just a little bit, but . . .
Metal Jesus: It’s an amazing game. Basically, it is a third person strategy game. It happens in mostly real-time, although you have action points. And you have certain amount of movements and attacks that you can do. Amazing graphics, has a killer story. And it’s dark. People die in this game. And I was like, whoa! So this is actually a really fun game. I haven’t finished it, but I’ve played it enough to where I’m like “This is a total quality title.” So this is coming in at number 10 for me.
Kinsey: That sounds rad to me. You’ve already sold me.
Continue reading Top 10 PS3 Games – All Time
Episode 188: Music GUILTY Pleasures
This week we take a break from video games and talk MUSIC GUILTY PLEASURES. These are songs & bands that we LOVE, but are sometimes reluctant to admit. This episode is EPIC, sometimes embarrassing and one for the ages! Enjoy.