Collecting big box PC games is fun enough, but it’s a real treat to find packages with unique shapes and designs. A selection of the most unusual computer game boxes in my collection!
All posts by Metal Jesus Rocks
What’s On My Phone – Apps & Games for Android & iOS
Here are the Apps & Games I have been playing on my smartphone!
Apps Shown:
Inferno (Series)
Dark Echo
Magic Rampage
Video Transcription:
Metal Jesus: Metal Jesus here, and I’m back again with another video, this time talking about, what is on my phone? Now, this is an iPhone here. However, each one of these apps and games is also available on Android. Let’s take a look.
To start off with, we’re going to talk about an app called OfferUp. This is a Craigslist competitor. But what’s really cool about it is that it is completely designed for mobile phones. Now, what I mean by that is that this app is not some website that they’re trying to shoehorn into a small screen. No, it’s designed to be used anywhere you are at any moment. Snap a photo, and you’re ready to rock and roll. You’re ready to sell something or potentially buy something or communicate with a buyer or seller. It’s all right built into your phone, and it’s awesome.
Continue reading What’s On My Phone – Apps & Games for Android & iOS
Metal Jesus GAME ROOM TOUR – 5000 Games!
BRAND NEW for 2015 Game Room Tour from Metal Jesus which has 5,000 Games and over 45 consoles, computers & handhelds. Over 4 decades of video games are organized, connected and ready to play!
If you are curious whether I own a newer console: I have the Playstation 4 upstairs in my living room along with games. My Steam computer is a 27″ iMac in my Office where I also do my video editing. If you have a question about how this is all connected or anything else, let me know!
Top 10 of the Greatest Video Game Easter Eggs
Featuring: 10 of the Greatest Video Game Easter Eggs (In no Particular order)
Games Featured
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Easter egg
GTA San Andreas Easter Egg
Manx TT Easter Egg
Day of the Tentacle Easter Egg
COD Black Ops 2 Easter Egg
GTA v Easter Eggs
Gears of War 3 Easter Egg
Batman Arkham Asylum Easter Egg
Wolfchild Easter Egg
Metal Jesus TOUR Announcement
UPDATE: 2017: Reflecting on the MJR RV Tour
UPDATE: 5/3/2015: Metal Jesus TOUR Ended: Unfortunately we did not make our goal to go on tour this summer and since we did not get fully funded, NO FUNDS WERE EXCHANGED and your credit card did NOT get charged.
I worked really hard on planning this and while everyone agreed it’s a great idea, I had hoped people would see the intention of what I wanted to do with the tour and the videos we planned to make. Plus I really wanted to meet all of you! But alas, it was not meant to be.
However, I still want to THANK the most hardcore and dedicated fans of my channel. You guys saw the vision we had and you believed in us enough to donate to the the cause and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. So even though we won’t get any money from the campaign, I still want to give everyone who donated a special gift: FREE METAL JESUS RINGTONES.
Also, everybody who donated $100 or more will get a FREE METAL JESUS COIN! These coins are so awesome, I just had to share them with you! They are still being manufactured, so they will ship out in a couple months.
If you donated, please check your email today for links to the ringtones.
It’s a small thank you to some of the best supporters and fans a silly YouTube channel like mine could ever ask for. I really appreciate everything you have done and who knows…. maybe we’ll try this again some day but with a different strategy.
Thanks again, and keep on rockin’
What will happen on the Highway to Hell?
1) On the road Video Blogs:
Where we are going, what games & music we are finding, what weird and wonderful roadside oddities we are trapped in, diners, dives and more!
2) Metal Jesus Travel Episodes Full Videos.
These are going to be the best episodes yet! These full length videos will be Highlights from the road, Game Pickups, I HATE U episodes from the RV & Gamer EATS. Also DMP falling down drunk in Vegas.
3) Meet & Greets with YOU:
You’ve asked me to visit your town and here we come! Let’s meet up & chat about your favorite games, your favorite albums & your favorite Gamer Eats.
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? Awesome Tour Videos, meet & greets AND unique PERKS!
Please help by donating! Thanks!
Wii On-Rails Light Gun Shooter Games
The Nintendo Wii had a ton of great On-Rail Light Gun games for the console, both original and arcade ports. I show you some of my favorites from the collection!
Games Shown:
Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Ghost Squad
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
Mad Dog McCree Gunslinger Pack
Dead Space Extraction
House of the Dead Overkill
Apocalyptic Music Videos – Playlist
The end of the WORLD seems pretty sweet with these APOCALYPTIC Music Videos.
YouTube Video Tips – Make better Videos!
Metal Jesus gives you his Tips & Tricks for making better YouTube videos. From Lighting, Cameras, editing software, microphones, scripts and more!
Heroes of the Storm Beta Review – Blizzard MOBA
Blizzard is launching their widely anticipated MOBA Heroes of the Storm game & TheBigJB gives us his review of the popular Beta
150,000 Subscribers – WOOHOO!
It’s OFFICIAL: 150,000 Subscribers! I have the most KICK-ASS FANS! \m/