All posts by Metal Jesus Rocks

Sony VITA Buying Guide + Best Games & Honorable Mentions!

Why buy the Sony Vita? Because it’s an AWESOME handheld game system and this guide will help you figure out which Vita model is right for you! Also we give some PS Vita game recommendations, some honorable mentions and places you can find out about new releases, meet fellow collectors and more.

BUY VITA GAMES HERE: (Affiliate Link)

Games Shown:
Tales of Hearts R
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Killzone Mercenary
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ’n’ Tasty!
Futuridium: Extended Play Deluxe
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Child of Light
Persona 4 Golden
PS1 Games: Metal Slug X & Shienryu
Super Stardust Delta
Virtue’s Last Reward

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Wipeout 2048
Ridge Racer
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd
Persona 4 Dancing All Night
Michael Jackson The Experience HD
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Sly Cooper Collection
God of War Collection
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon’s Crown

Nintendo GameBoy Advance / GBA Games Hidden GEMS 2

Metal Jesus & Radical Reggie are BACK with another list of awesome Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA games that are Hidden Gems! These are lesser known games that are super fun to play and should be in every game collector’s library.

BUY GBA Games here:

Games Shown:
Bubble Bobble: Old & New
Mr. Driller 2
Moto Racer Advance
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1 & 2
Gradius Galaxies
Gumby vs the Astrobots
The King of Fighters EX 1 & 2
River City Ransom EX
Spirits & Spells
Sigma Star Saga
Boulder Dash EX
SD Gundam Force

Previous video of GBA games that are Hidden Gems with Reggie:

THIS WEEK IN RETRO – Gaming News for June 28th 2016

We are back from E3 Expo 2016 with some killer retro gaming news plus it’s time to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Kinsey’s favorite console: the N64! WHOO HOO!

Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun article :
N64 Games: Hidden Gems

If you have retro gaming news you think fans of Metal Jesus would enjoy, please contact us for possible inclusion in future episodes

4K Surround with Big 50″ UHD TV’s PC Setup Guide

My buddy Barnacules released a massively detailed video on his amazing gaming and editing PC: I show you how to setup your own surround gaming PC setup using large 4k televisions, including what screens to pick and how to configure the hardware and software to get up and running. It took me a lot of trial and error to get the setup I have today and hopefully this inspires you to try. Click ‘Show More’ below to expand this section.

Sony PSP Game Collection – 200+ Games!

I show you all 200+ Sony PSP games I have in my collection and highlight some of the more rare or interesting or fun games YOU should play too! This collection is grouped by RPGs, Racing games, Puzzle games, action/platformer, sports, flight, fighting and more!

BUY PSP Games here:

For your completionists: Wikipedia lists 865 physical games for the PSP worldwide, which does not include any of the downloadable PS Mini or PSOne games.



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Metal Jesus battles The DEVIL – What game should I choose? (and other questions)

* Chris Huston asks: What is the most bomb-proof/best build quality console you’ve owned?

* Lauren Runeckles asks: Do you prefer fun family friendly games (Nintendo’s approach) or high definition immersive stories (Sony’s approach) and why?

* Ricci Cooper asks: If you had to battle the devil for your soul using any video game from history which one would you choose and why?

* Joshua Jackson asks: Given the current state of the retro videogame collecting scene and the prices that have gone up accordingly without an end in sight, do you see the whole thing crashing at some point or will it continue to grow for years? The days of one-dollar games is behind us now…