All posts by Metal Jesus Rocks

Sega CD BUYING GUIDE & Review – The Games Rock!

The Sega CD was a forwarding thinking add-on to the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive that had great games released for it! The Immortal John Hancock shows you the different models and what games you should pick up Day 1.

Buy SEGA CD HERE: (Affiliate Link)

Games Shown:
Final Fight
Lords of Thunder
Dark Wizard
Shining Force CD
Keio Flying Squadron
Sonic CD
Lunar The Eternal Blue
Road Rash
Heart of the Alien
The Terminator

ALL NEW: PlayStation 4 / PS4 Games – Hidden Gems

The Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) is a huge success with hundreds of games released from big Triple-AAA titles to small independent games and more. Here Reggie and Metal Jesus tell you some of our favorite hidden gems games for the PS4 and which ones you should add to your collection!

Games Shown:
This War of Mine: the Little Ones
Caladrius Blaze
Deadlight: Director’s Cut
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams The Director’s Cut
Assault Suit Leynos
Shadow Complex: Remastered
Anima: Gate of Memories

Nintendo GBA Games – Hidden Gems 3

The Nintendo GBA continues to be one of the most satisfying handheld systems to collect for with many great games released for it across all different genres. In this video Reggie highlights 10 GBA games that many people don’t know about but should play!

BUY GBA Games here:

Games Shown:
Tactics Ogre: The Night of Lodis
Shining Soul II
Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars
Pinobee Wings of Adventure
Sega Arcade Gallery
Lunar Legend
Riviera: The Promised Land
R-Type III: The Third Lightning
Cima: The Enemy
Yggdra Union: Well Never Fight Alone

GBA Hidden Gems – Part 1:

GBA Hidden Gems – Part 2:

NEW Equipment Update for Metal Jesus

I have upgraded four pieces of equipment for my YouTube videos: camcorder, lighting, teleprompter and headphones. In this video I share with you which brands and models I chose, how this affects my videos going forward and how you can get them yourself. Actually…that part is pretty easy. Just follow these links:

Sony FDR-AX53 Camcorder :
Aputure Light Storm LS 1C :
Teleprompter R810-10 :
Meze 99 Classics Headphones: