The King of Fighters 2002 unlimited Match – Limited/Deluxe Editions unboxings – PlayStation 4

Radical Reggie – I’ve been waiting for this to release since March of 2021, and this product did not disappoint. Most of you know how I feel about the King of fighters series, and when I saw this, I went all out for it. It’s things like this that I tell people that look at all your options when it comes to collector type editions. Some companies do way better work than others and this video will show you what I mean.

The PS4 is a SHOOT ‘EM UP fan’s DREAM MACHINE! 😍

There are so many great arcade-style shoot em ups (shmups) on the PlayStation 4. And many got a physical release! 


Shikhondo – Soul Eater

Battle Garegga

Raiden V


Ketsui Deathtiny

R-Type Dimensions EX

Psyvariar Delta

ESP Ra.De. Psi 

Dangun Feveron

Sisters Royale

Sine Mora EX

Dimension Drive

Caladrius Blaze
