I’m picking through the Seattle area GameStops to find the last Xbox 360/PS3/Wii U/ 3DS games before they are gone forever. I found some good deals!
Monthly Archives: October 2020
Retro Game Challenge: Ghouls ‘N Ghosts Stage 1 No Damage
John Hancock – Ghouls ‘N Ghosts is considered to be a fairly challenging game to play. It is also one of my favorite games of all time for the Sega Genesis. In this video I thought I would play this game and see if I can clear the first stage without taking damage from enemies.
Dragon’s Lair X RepliCade – This thing is SO COOL!
The Dragon’s Lair X RepliCade is a fully playable 1/6th scale replica of the original 1983 Dragon’s Lair arcade machine! More info: https://newwavetoys.com/products/dragons-lair-x-replicade
New Video Game releases this Week Oct 26-30th
Here are the new video game releases for Oct 26-30th
- Carto [PC, PS4] – October 27
- Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues [PS4, XBO] – October 27
- Ghostrunner [PC, PS4, XBO, Switch] – October 27
- Graveyard Keeper: Game Of Crone DLC [PC] – October 27
- Hammerting [PC] – October 27
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 4 [PS4] – October 27
- AGOS: A Game of Space [PC VR] – October 28
- Gibbous [Switch] – October 28
- Strobophagia: Rave Horror [PC] – October 28
- Auto Chess [PS4] – October 29
- Blair Witch: Oculus Quest Edition [PC VR] – October 29
- Esports Life Tycoon [Switch] – October 29
- PUBG Season 9 [PS4, XBO, Stadia] – October 29
- Undungeon Arena [PC] – October 29
- Watch Dogs Legion [PC, PS4, XBO, Stadia] – October 29
- Xuan-Yuan Sword 7 [PC] – October 29
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope [PC, PS4, XBO] – October 30
- Pikmin 3 Deluxe [Switch] – October 30
List from GamesRadar.com
18 Overlooked Nintendo Switch games Nobody is Talking About
TONS of recently released NIntendo Switch games, here’s a look at some random ones I’ve checked out recently.
Games Featured: Angry Video Game Nerd 1& 2 deluxe Wallachia: Reign of Dracula Shoot 1up DX Disc Room Crab Fight Bite the Bullet Jenny LeClue Detectivu Takeshi & Hiroshi Prinny 1 & 2 Dream Dodo Peak Space Robinson Gonner 2 Friends of Ringo Ishikawa Lost Wing F-117A Stealth Fighter
Oculus Quest 2 vs Playstation VR – Which is BETTER?
Taking a look at the Oculus Quest 2 vs Playstation VR and the pros & cons of each. Which is better? Which do I like more?! And yes…this video has me DANCING in it. Sorry…but you can’t UNSEE that! 😂
RIFFS That Give Me the Biggest RUSH! ** PART 10 ** – Dedicated to Eddie Van Halen!
Classic Cotton shoot ’em up getting a REBOOT on PS4 & Nintendo Switch soon!
Press release: ININ Games is excited to announce news of BEEP’s side-scrolling shoot-em-up Cotton Reboot! to be released both digitally and physically on Sony PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch with a projected release date of Q1/2021 in Europe and North America.
Shoot-em-up with an adorable main character
A young witch called Nata de Cotton is hot headed, immature, overreacts and rides on a broomstick, accompanied by a fairy named Silk. Cotton is crazy about candies called “Willows”. Those candies are so good that she won’t let anything get in her way to get them. Talk about sugar cravings!
Armed with explosive fire power, a cast of cunning enemies to confront and some enchanting and beautiful graphics sees this endearing title as one that enlightens the imagination. Cotton will embark on her journey through the game’s seven amazing colourful stages with the hope that she will be rewarded at the end. As you move through a graveyard with wormed eyeballs or through a forest with trees that are part human form, eyes and mouth, hails of bullets and triple lazer fire from Cotton’s latest weapon resource that can be swapped and changed throughout as an endless onslaught of enemies fill the screen with their own arsenal of power. Avoid and maneuvering becomes as important as straight shooting.
Remaster of an iconic “cute’em’up”
Cotton Reboot is an updated, remastered version of the classic and iconic “cute’em’up” Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams with brand new features and updated visual designs. The game also features 3 game modes that include the X68000 original mode that faithfully emulates Sharp’s personal computer from the 1993 version. Arrange mode features 16:9 screens, redesigned graphics and characters. In Score attack mode the player competes for scores online within a limited time (2 minute and 5 minute mode can be selected).
Limited Edition with Special Offerings
In addition to the standard edition, along with its digital online store release, ININ Games will also publish Limited Editions of Cotton Reboot! Preorder for the Limited Editions are expected to start next month, while the preorder of the standard editions will follow soon after.
Vinyl Record Pickups for 2020 – Over 20 Albums!
New vinyl pickups for 2020. Albums Shown:
Eclipse – Paradigm
Eclipse – Monumentum
Joe Satriani – Shapeshifting
Cane Hill – Smile
Cane Hill – Too Far Gone
Ayreon – Electric Castle Live
Testament – Titans of Creation
Porcupine Tree – Lightbulb Sun
Porcupine Tree – In Absentia
Porcupine Tree – Deadwing
Accept – Balls to the Wall
H.E.A.T – II
Stone Temple Pilots – Purple 25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Bundle
Stone Temple Pilots – Perdida
Stryper – Even the Devil Believes
Mother F—king Earthbound
Killing Floor 2
Castlevania – The Adventure Rebirth
Glover Original Soundtrack