10 more great Nintendo Switch games for $20 or LESS! SATISFYE Switch grip, cases & accessories: https://bit.ly/2vDXhlW – Coupon code: MetalJesus (10% off entire order)
GAMES SHOWN: Donut County Unravel Two Gris Valley Pikuniku Assault Android Cactus+ Cuphead Shantae and the Pirates Curse Red Strings Club VA-11 HALL-A
I always wondered what exactly is going on model wise when playing Mario Kart 64. In this episode, my curiosity peaked, and I decided to check out the character models used in the game, and what other secrets the game holds. What I found was some insane resource management, and the technical wizardry of Nintendo.
Classic 1999 interview with Tribes 1 & 2 developer Dynamix with Drunken Master Paul. Hear behind the scenes stories, audience call-in questions and PC LAN parties. Download the MP3 version along with other podcast episodes here: MJR Patreon: http://www.Patreon.com/MetalJesusRocks
Descenders is extreme downhill freeriding for the modern era, with procedurally generated worlds, and where mistakes have real consequences. Will you lead your team to glory and become the next legendary Descender?
Despite being permitted in the city, very few thinbloods survive any length of time. With little understanding of what they are or the rules of Kindred society, they face a struggle to simply exist in a city carved up by established political factions. How will you fit on the grander stage of Kindred society? Website: https://bloodlines2.com/