I visited the Asahi Sky Room while in Asakusa Tokyo! It was amazing, the view is spectacular! The Asahi Sky Room is a sort of Cafeteria Style Bar on the 22nd floor of the Asahi Headquarters.
De Tomaso is back! The marque famous for the 1972 Pantera has been brought back by the same people behind the Apollo IE and it’s called the De Tomaso P72.
For over 20 years the portable video game market was dominated entirely by Nintendo, with almost no real competition in sight. That is, until Sony releases the powerhouse PlayStation and PlayStation 2. Accumulating massive market share, and then creating their own handheld; the PSP. We take a deep dive into the history of PSP. From its initial hype and release, to its steady decline with piracy and the DS leading the way.
THQ bring Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-Tered to the Nintendo Switch and here is our review. Hopefully, they have continued an excellent run of Switch games including Darksiders Warmastered Edition.
I’m on the Discography Discussion podcast discussing every Alice in Chains album! What was it like hearing Alice in Chains for the first time in Seattle in the early 90s? Do we prefer SAP or Jar of Flies? And does Alice In Chains stand the test of time?
Today if you even have an optical drive, it is likely a tray-loader or a slide-in mechanism. In the early days of computer CD-ROM drives users were often required to place their precious CDs into an awkward little container called a CD Caddy. Why did we use CD Caddies and why did they vanish?