The Original Xbox was capable of playing DVDs, provided you owned the add Xbox DVD Playback kit – a $20 dongle and remote control. But why did Microsoft release this device and how does it work? In this episode we take a closer look.
Yearly Archives: 2019
how dudes tryout new guitars
Life working in a Guitar Center? It’s at least how I tryout new guitars 😂😂😂
TheC64 Maxi – Full sized C64 review and disassembly
The8BitGuy reviews the brand new full sized C64. More info here:
DestinyFomo My 2019 Rewind
John Hancock’s Favorite Video Games of the Decade 2010-2019
This past decade has provided us many excellent video games. In this video, I choose video games to represent each year from 2010 to 2019. I tried to pick games that I had played, thought were influential, or wanted to play more. There are countess more games that could have been chosen for this list. If you had to pick out ten games for the last ten years, what would you choose? Thank you for all the support and have a happy holiday!
My Tron Game & Movie Collection!
Check out my Tron collection! Plus, I share some thoughts and vintage reviews on the film. Tron wasn’t the first film to employ CGI, but it was the first to use extensive computer animation, and it still looks dazzling. Jeff Bridges stars as arcade operator Flynn, who hacks into a mainframe computer to prove that his game designs were stolen. He gets beamed inside the digital world of the Master Control Program, where he engages in gladiator-style battles featuring throwable discs and speedy light cycles. Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, and Cindy Morgan also star in the film.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Switch Review – HEADSHOT!?
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger on the Nintendo Switch is brought to us by Techland. After finishing the game, do I think it’s worth a purchase? Let’s find out in our full review.
BEST GAMES OF 2019 – Happy Console Gamer
Best video games of 2019, Johnny gives his picks!
My 3DS Collection – Get these games CHEAP while you can!
Here is my 3DS game collection. Most of these games are still available at GameStop, so snag them NOW while you still can!
New Gaming pick ups
Some more gaming pick ups I think most of you might want to add to your collection.