I finally added an Atari Jaguar to my collection. But is NOW the right time to do it? Games Shown: Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe Fantasy World Dizzy Soccer Kid / Frog Feast Protector Special Edition Defender of the Crown REBootEROIDS Cybermorph
What better way to celebrate the dreamcast turning 20 years then talking about some of the great games that should be ported to the nintendo switch. These are just my personal favorites, feel free to let me know some of yours!
In 1984, the Christian rock band Prodigal hid a Commodore 64 program on their album “Electric Eye”. See my attempts to retrieve and run this 35-year-old easter egg.
Will you be Halcyon’s shining beacon of hope? The character you choose to become will determine how this player-driven story unfolds. Check out the launch trailer for the upcoming sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division ahead of the game’s release on October 25, 2019 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
JAPAN, TOKYO is FULL of VIDEO GAMES! Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Famicom, JRPGS, Japan Elusive Games and MORE! It’s time to find them all! A Youtuber actually tries to be RESPECTFUL in JAPAN! (Strange concept, amirite?)
Keeping the Halloween season going strong with an underrated classic arcade game called Satan’s Hollow! It was released in 1982 by Bally Midway and it’s a bit like Galaga, but in HELL! Enjoy and please subscribe if you like my videos 😈