This is the first in what will most likely be a monthly video series looking back at the things that I’ve done or seen in the last month. This series will more than likely be a continual work in progress based on ideas and feedback.
Resident Evil 5 looks to be Capcom really putting the effort in to a port. With motion controls and a ton of extra content – but is that price too high? Let’s find out!
On today’s episode, we go over all the things we picked up at Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2019! We then drink and review a very unique Porter from Evil Twin Brewing! Cheers!
How does handheld gaming from 1982 compare to 2004? How different are the techniques and technologies that were both capable of holding out attention for hours at a time? What counted as “cutting edge”. What have we gained, and has anything been lost?
The Lamborghini Huracan with 1,000hp thanks to a twin turbo set up is a serous piece of kit! Royalty Exotic Cars happen to have such a supercar on fleet, so let’s see what this 90,000 mile car is about in Las Vegas. Starting out as an LP610-4, this Huracan has the pair of Precision turbos installed by Dallas Performance and is run on the fleet of rental cars. Now with about 90,000 miles on the clock, the turbos have been running since about 50,000 and the car doesn’t feel anywhere near its age – a testament to the daily driving nature of the Lamborghini Huracan.
The entire MJR Crew was LIVE at Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE) 2019 answering your questions! Here is the footage from the front row. * original photography used by permission and copyrighted by Steve Wright Jr. *
A Video Game Sellers episode from Retropalooza Dallas 2019?! Featuring Sprinkles, BeatEmUps (Wood), OkChief, Jay (Game Chasers), & lots of selling, trading, and stupid fun! Check out my game room tour:
日程:12月27日(金) 会場:umeda TRAD 出演:PON HALEN WEST feat.SATSUMA3042 as VAN HALEN トークゲスト:加美幸伸(FM COCOLO) 時間:開場18:00 開演19:00 料金:前売り4,000円 当日4,500円 (共に1drink 別) (税込・全席自由 ※入場整理番号付き) 主催:FM COCOLO/(株)シンコーミュージック・エンタテイメント 制作:大阪ウドー音楽事務所/LEGEND OF ROCK 協力:イシバシ楽器梅田店 □チケット発売 大阪ウドー音楽事務所 ・Vintage Hits Parade(FM COCOLO)番組先行予約:10月6日(日) ・大阪ウドー音楽事務所/MUSIC LIFE CLUB 先行予約:10月7日(月) ・一般発売:10月12日(土)よりチケットぴあ、ローソンチケット、イープラスにて発売 お問い合わせ:大阪ウドー音楽事務所 06-6341-4506 (PC/スマホ)