Yearly Archives: 2019
New 2019 Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet Review – A nice improvement over the original
How the Xbox 360 DVD Security was Defeated | MVG
RetroGameCon 2019 Tour + Pick-ups – RIGGS
16 Music Pickups – Vinyl Records & CDs (Rock/Game/Metal/Pop)
Cuphead – Soundtrack
Dream Theater – Distance over Time + Blu-Ray 5.1
Pantera – The Complete Studio Albums (BOXSET)
The Posies – Frosting on the Beater
Escape from Synth City
Megadeth – Warheads on Foreheads (BOXSET)
Death – Leprosy
Ghost – Ceremony and Devotion
The Rick & Morty Soundtrack
The Lazys – Tropical Hazards
The Waterboy Soundtrack (?!?!)
Arch Enemy – Covered in Blood
Castlevania – Symphony of the Night
Great White – Shot in the Dark
Journey – Soundtrack
Jack Russell’s Great White – He Saw it Comin’
How Graphics worked on the Nintendo Game Boy | MVG
Radical Reggie: My Nintendo 3ds collection
XF DRIVE – An Insanely Fun Arcade Racer – SAGE 2019
This isn’t a Sonic fan game (or anything Sonic related for that matter) but it was featured at Sonic Amateur Game Expo, so there you go. Also, it”s made by LakeFeperd (the guy behind Spark The Electric Jester and Sonic fan games Sonic Before The Seuqel and After The Sequel) and given his track record so far, I decided to give it a shot, especially since I adore racing games.
Needless to say, I love how XFDRIVE plays. Easy to get into, hard to master. Very responsive controls (with customizable steering), creative track design, pretty visuals. I really enjoy replaying these tracks to improve my time and make a flawless run. Also, the Challenging difficulty makes the gar go faster (max speed at around 550 km/h as opposed to @400 km/h).
If you thought the footage here was fast, Challenging is ludricously fast. I was having a hard enough time controlling the game at normal speed.
Remember COMPAQ? – Where Are They Now
Name that riff!!! – Richie Faulkner of Judas Priest
Name that riff!!! I just realised I hadn’t shown you maniacs the signature @epiphone V with the P-90s! This is a long one but can you name all the riffs and how many are there?! Once again, straight through the @friedman_amps BE 100 deluxe and all variations in tone are coming from the volume knob. Answers in the comments RHRF DOTF